Geofence Scripts

Use the following writeprivateprofstring scripts to refine Geofence characteristics on a device. You can do this using the Send Scripts action.
Note: To reset functionality to the default, send the script without the value then restart the agent.
Script Description
require_multiple_geofence_points <numerical value> Geofences on the device only generate an alert after reaching the specified number of consecutive location points. The value is the number of identified locations based on the fence boundary.
writeprivateprofstring Geofencing-Agent ConsecutivePointsForAlert <numerical value> Sets the minimum number of consecutive location points needed to trigger an alert. For example, if this setting is 3:
  • IN, IN, OUT, IN, OUT, IN = will not trigger an exit alert event.
  • IN, IN, OUT, OUT, IN, IN = will not trigger an exit alert event.
  • IN, IN, OUT, OUT, OUT IN, IN, OUT, OUT, IN = will trigger one exit alert event.
writeprivateprofstring Geofencing-Agent FenceCooldownTime <value in seconds> Sets the cooldown time to filter out noise and prevent Geofence alerts when the device is still near the fence border. Cooldown is the time between alerts. The default cooldown time is 30 seconds.
writeprivateprofstring Geofencing-Agent IgnoreEdgeCollisions <1:ignore|0: do not ignore> Sets whether edge collisions are ignored. Edge collisions are when a device latitude/longitude is outside the Geofence but some part of the accuracy circle is still inside it. If set to 1, an alert gets triggered even if the full accuracy circle is not outside the Geofence. When set to 0, the alert is not triggered until the entire accuracy circle is outside the Geofence.
writeprivateprofstring Geofencing-Agent MinUpdateDistanceGps <value in meters> Sets the minimum distance that the device must move before sending a new GPS update.
writeprivateprofstring Geofencing-Agent MinUpdateTimeGps <value in seconds> Sets the minimum time that the device must wait before checking for GPS updates.
writeprivateprofstring Geofencing-Agent MinUpdateDistanceNetwork <value in meters>

Sets the minimum distance the device must move before receiving network updates. This cuts down on unnecessary updates if the device has not changed location.

writeprofstring Geofencing-Agent MinUpdateTimeNetwork <value in seconds> Sets the minimum time that the device must wait before checking for network updates. This is the fallback location provider when GPS is not available and is commonly used when GPS is not available.
writeprivateprofstring Geofencing-Agent MinUpdateTime <value in seconds> Sets the minimum time that the device must wait before checking for GSeofence updates.