Creating/Editing SMTP Server Connections
About this task
- Alert Rules
- Device Compliance Policies
- Telecom Expense Management Policies
- Scheduled Reports
- Signal Policies
To create/edit an SMTP server connection:
- Select Global Settings from the main menu.
- From the settings tree on the left, select .
In the SMTP page that opens, do one of the
Task Procedure Create a new SMTP connection Select + to open the SMTP Server dialog. Edit an existing SMTP connection Select the Name of the connection you want to edit. -
In the SMTP Server dialog, configure the SMTP server
connection as required:
Connection Name Enter the name you want to assign to this SMTP server connection. Server Address Enter the host name of the SMTP server. Enter the port used by the SMTP server. Use SSL Turn on the toggle to use the Secure Sockets Layer. Authentication Type Select the method to authenticate users on the SMTP server. Sender Email Enter the email address that sends the emails. Sender Name Enter the name of the person or entity that corresponds to the email address. Test Connection Select to send a test email using this connection's SMTP settings. For details, see Email. Add Select to add a new email recipient to the list. Enable/Disable Turn on/off the toggle to enable/disable the recipient. Delete Select to delete the email recipient from the list. Type Select "To," "CC," or "BCC." Email Enter the recipient's email address. Name Enter the recipient's name. Time Zone Turn on the toggle to enable time zone definition for the SMTP server. Select Time Zone Select a time zone for the SMTP server. Notification Filters Select the + button to add a filer to the list. Day(s) Select day(s) of the week on which notification emails are not send to the recipients. Start Time Select the start time for the time interval during which emails are not sent to the recipients. End Time Select the end time for the time interval during which emails are not sent to the recipients. Delete Select to delete the notification filter from the list. Save Select to save the new connection or changes you have made to an existing one. Cancel Select to discard changes and close the dialog box. - Select Save.