Finding Your Client ID and Client Secret

About this task

To find the API client ID and client secret for SOTI MobiControl on-premises customers.

Installing the server component requires an API client ID and client secret. You must have administrator access on the Windows Server where the SOTI MobiControl instance that is administering SOTI Surf is hosted. If you are a SOTI MobiControl cloud customer, see API Clients.

Note: If you need help adding an API client, please contact SOTI Support.

To find your client ID and client secret:


  1. On the machine where SOTI MobiControl is installed, launch a Windows command prompt with administrative privileges.
  2. Navigate to the SOTI MobiControl installation directory.
  3. Execute the following command: MCAdmin.exe APIClientAdd -n:{API client name} [-p:{API secret}] .
    API client name is a reference for your integrated application and the (optional) API secret is the passphrase used to protect the API. The API secret is automatically generated if one is not provided.
  4. Copy the generated Client ID and Client Secret into the SOTI apps server extension installation wizard where prompted.