Choose Data

Before you begin

Complete the required information in the Set Up Policy tab.

About this task

Use the Choose Data tab to select the option you want to use for collecting location data on Apple devices. You can collect Optimal Battery Performance or Optimal Location Accuracy for data on location accuracy.


  1. Select one Location Accuracy option.
    Table 1. Location Accuracy
    Optimal Battery Performance

    Reports the device's location using assisted GPS data from the device (GPS, WiFi, or cellular network).

    This option provides more accurate and customizable location data but can significantly impact battery performance.

    Optimal Location Accuracy

    Reports the device's location using assisted GPS data from the device (GPS, WiFi, or cellular network).

    This option provides more accurate and customizable location data but can significantly impact battery performance.

    To customize the recording of location data, select a value from Location accurate to within and enter a value in Record location when device moves.

  2. Select Next. Continue to the Schedule tab of the Data Collection Policy wizard.