View the Status of Sent Windows Modern Scripts

Before you begin

You need to have Device Group permissions along with enrolled Windows Modern devices. Using this feature for every script may slow the device down so only use when necessary.

About this task

This feature lets you view the status of PowerShell scripts sent to Windows Modern devices directly from the SOTI MobiControl web console. You can also see the reason a script failed and view the output generated by the script on the device.


  1. In the SOTI MobiControl web console, navigate to main menu > Devices then select a Windows Modern device from the list. The Device Details panel appears.
  2. Select the Scripts tab. This tab lists all scripts sent to the device and indicates if they executed successfully or failed.
    Scripts tab of the Device Details window
  3. To view details of a sent script, hover over a script in the Scripts list and select the Details button. The Script Details panel appears. The Script Viewer field displays the sent script.
    Script Details Screen

    1. Select the Request Output button. A success message appears.
    2. Select the refresh button. A new Output tab appears. Select this to view the generated output.
      Output tab of the Script Details panel


You have viewed the status of a script sent to a Windows Modern device directly from the SOTI MobiControl web console.