System Requirements for Enterprise Resource Gateway (ERG)

About this task

The computer that hosts the Enterprise Resource Gateway (ERG) must run Windows Server 2016 or 2019. Check that your computer has the following software installed:

  • Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) version 10 or later, with the ASP.NET role service enabled
  • SSL binding for the website if communicating with the proxy using HTTPS
  • Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8 installed (if this framework is not present, the installer will install it automatically)

If you are using the Hub Exchange ERG Installer to deploy the ERG, ensure that ICMP echo requests are enabled on the WebDAV or Exchange servers’ firewall.

If you are deploying the ERG manually, ICMP echo requests do not need to be enabled.

What to do next

Proceed to the next step of setting up ERG, Configuring the SOTI MobiControl Root Certificate for ERG.