Renewing Zebra PAS Certificates

About this task

To renew the PAS certificate:


  1. In the SOTI MobiControl console, go to the Servers tab.
  2. Expand the Printer Administration Servers item.
  3. Right-click the PAS connection and select Edit PAS from the context menu.
  4. Click Regenerate.
    A notification informs you that a client certificate has been regenerated.
  5. Click Download in the PAS Client Certificate section to open the Download PAS Client Certificate dialog box (see Download PAS Client Certificate).
  6. In the Password field, enter a password for the certificate, then click Download.
    The certificate is downloaded as a .pfx file.
  7. Convert the .pfx certificate to the .jks format.
    Note: Perform the following steps on a computer other than the SOTI MobiControl server. Java upgrade to the latest version on the SOTI MobiControl server might impact the SOTI MobiControl Search service.
    1. Install Java JDK or JRE (see
    2. Navigate to the bin folder at the Java installation path.
    3. On the computer with the JDK installed, enter the following command (the bolded part may differ because it is version-specific):
      Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_201.jdk/Contents/Home/bin/keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore <pathToCertificate_13.pfx> -srcstoretype pkcs12 -destkeystore SotiCertificate.jks -deststoretype JKS
    4. Enter a password for the destination keystore (the best practice is to reuse the source keystore password).
    5. Enter the source keystore password.
      The new SotiCertificate.jks certificate is exported to the current directory (the bin folder).
  8. Upload the converted (.jks) certificate to the server where SOTI MobiControl Connector is installed by:
    • Using a command prompt to replace the old certificate, or
    • Dropping the new certificate file into the installation folder.
  9. Restart the SOTI MobiControl Connector service from services.msc.
  10. Refresh the SOTI MobiControl console.
  11. Verify that the PAS connection has a green check mark next to it.