Add Buttons

The Add Buttons dialog box enables you to change the default behavior when a button is pressed on the device. You can either redirect a button's action to a specified application, or block the button action altogether.


Use the Lockdown tab to disable particular actions on specified buttons.

Button Name Select which hardware button is to be configured.
Action Select an action pertaining to the selected button.


Use the Remap tab to remap a selected button's action to launch a specified application.

Button Name Select which hardware button is to be configured.
Action Select an action pertaining to the selected button.
Application Type Select First-Party to select an application that is part of Windows Phone, or Third-Party to select a application that was deployed by your organization.
Application Name (First-Party Application) Select the first-party application to which you want the selected button action to be remapped.
Application ID (Third-Party Application) Enter the ID of the third-party application to which you want the selected button action to be remapped.
Parameters If the application requires any additional parameters, enter them here.