Add Applications

The Add Applications dialog box enables you to select an application you want to make available to run on the device. You can select any application that is part of Windows Phone (first-party apps) or any application that was deployed by your organization (third-party apps).

Application Type Select First-Party to select an application that is part of Windows Phone, or Third-Party to select a application that was deployed by your organization.
Application Name Select from a list of default applications (1st party apps) or enter a name of choice.
Application ID (Third-Party Application) Enter the Application ID of the program to which you want to provide access.
Parameters If the application has any parameters that the program needs when run, they should be listed here.
Auto Run Select this option to enable Auto Run for this application.
Pin to Start Menu Allow the application to be displayed on the Start menu.
Size Specify the size (in screen tiles) of the application's icon on the Start menu.

Small-sized icon is a 1x1.

Medium-sized icon 2x2 .

Large-sized icon is 4x2.

Position Specify the X and Y coordinates of where the application is to be placed on the Start menu.