Customizing Results on the Battery Prediction Chart
Select a shift from the Shift dropdown menu. You can add
a new shift by clicking Manage Shift, then the
button. Delete a shift from the menu by clicking the
button beside the shift and selecting Delete.
- Select a charge amount from the Charge at Start of Shift dropdown menu. Select Fully Charged if you know your batteries are fully charged at the start of the shift. Select Average Charge to use an average based on the level your battery is normally charged to at the start of a shift.
- Optionally, you can include batteries that are charged during the shift in your search. Again, Average Charge is based on the amount of charge the battery typically receives on average.
You can further refine the chart by clicking the Chart Parameter button and
selecting any or all of the following parameters:
- Time Interval (only monthly)
- Forecast Range (Next Month, Next 2 months, Next three months)
- Past Range (Last Month, Last 2 Months, Last 3 Months)