Finding Incidents

Before you begin

You must have administrator, technician, or reporter permissions. Some advanced options are not available for the reporter role.
Important: Use the filters from the dashboard header and apply filters from the interactive charts. Incident dashboard filtered by resolved incidents

About this task

Use filters and search terms to find and review incidents from the Incident Management dashboards in SOTI XSight.


  1. Open the Incident Management dashboard.
  2. Apply one or more filters to find incidents.
    Incident type From the Dashboard dropdown list, select an incident type.
    Incident group From the Groups dropdown list in the dashboard header, select the group of incidents to view. If you are a member of a single group, the Group list is not shown.
    Objects in the interactive charts Most charts are interactive. From a chart, select an object to filter incidents by.
    Reporter, Assignee, Subject, ID, and Description At the top of the dashboard, enter a search term to search these fields: Reporter, Assignee, Subject, ID, and Description.


As you apply filters and searches, the incidents in the table update to show the matching incidents.