Finding Your Way Around the SOTI MobiControl Console

The SOTI MobiControl web console lets you enroll, organize, and administer your devices from a single location. This help topic is going to help you familiarize yourself with the SOTI MobiControl web console so you can maximise your device management activities.

The SOTI MobiControl web console provides many tools, each of which handles a different aspect of device management. To select a tool, open the ☰ menu in the upper left corner of the console or, in the legacy console, select a tab along the bottom.

Note: SOTI updated and redesigned the web console to improve usability. If you are a long-time user, you are going to notice a difference in appearance between the earlier (or legacy) design and the modern (or next generation) views. Regardless of appearance, all functionality is fully integrated. Actions you perform in the new console reflect in the legacy console and vice versa.

Additionally, legacy views have platform tabs which correspond to device families such as Android Plus, Apple, or Linux. You can only perform actions on devices in the selected device family. For example, the Content Library feature is not supported on Windows CE devices and therefore the entire Content Library view disappears in that platform. Other, more subtle restrictions include hidden panels or context menu options.

View Name Description
Devices Use the Devices view to see your devices and perform actions on those devices. You can organize devices into groups, and find and filter devices based on keywords and properties. You can also gather insights about your deployment at a glance with charts, and perform various actions on selected devices.
Apps The Apps Dashboard for a consolidated view of all apps deployed through App Policies, with dynamic charts and visual breakdowns for enhanced management. Users can view associated App Policies, apply filter tags for quick searches, and see app lists that adapt based on user-generated tags.
Important: This feature is only available to premium or enterprise customers.
Reports Use the Reports view to generate reports on your devices and SOTI MobiControl deployment.
Updates Use the Updates view to view and manage updates for your Windows Modern devices. See Using the Updates Dashboard for more details.
Profiles Use the Profiles view to change device settings.
Policies Use the Policies view to define behaviors and characterizes for many aspects of your environment. Create policies for apps, compliance, enrollment, and more.
Packages Use the Packages view to upload and manage software packages which you can send to devices.
Global Settings Use the Global Settings view to perform administrative tasks for the SOTI MobiControl web console.
Users and Permissions Use the Users and Permissions view to handle user accounts for the SOTI MobiControl console. Within it, you can create new users, user groups or pull in existing users and groups from an LDAP or IdP connection. You can also track user activity and set granular permissions for each entity.
Notifications Use the Notifications panel to review and manage system events, news and information from SOTI in a single location.
Content Library Use the Content Library view to access a file storage and distribution system between SOTI MobiControl and your devices.
Note: The Content Library view is only visible when either the Android Plus or Apple platform tabs are active. You can open the Content Library by selecting Main Menu Policies Alerts then either the Android Plus or Apple tab.