Using the Updates Dashboard

The Updates dashboard view provides a holistic view of all system updates for Windows Modern devices.
Note: Updates on devices is only be visible when an update policy is assigned to the devices.
To manage firmware updates for your Windows Modern devices:
  1. Navigate to the main menu and select Updates.
  2. Select New Update Policy to create new update policy.
  3. Continue with next steps to configure the updates policy.
updates view
The Updates dashboard includes following information:
  • A table with key information about system updates.
  • Customizable, interactive charts visualizing data relevant to devices and update policies.
  • The ability to filter devices and updates by update properties.

The group tree structure, except for virtual groups, is visible on the Updates dashboard. For groups without an assigned update policy, the updates section remains empty.

Note: To view updates and access the Updates Dashboard, you need the "View Windows Updates" and "Manage Windows Updates" permissions. To approve updates from the Updates Dashboard, the "Update Software" permission is required.

Updates Charts

There are three types of charts: Status, Published Date and Type. Each chart provides unique insights into Windows Modern devices with assigned update policies. Navigate through the charts to explore available options and configure or position them as needed.

Filtering the Updates Dashboard

Filter the dashboard through the following methods:
  1. Select sections of the charts provided on the dashboard.
  2. Apply a filter from the card present on the left side of the chart section.

Update Properties

Use the button to customize properties to show on the Update dashboard. Use the button to export the list.
Update ID Displays the Update ID details for the system update.
Description Provides a detailed description of the system update.
Family Indicates the family type to which the system update belongs.
Type Specifies the type of system update (e.g. critical, definition, security, etc.)
Assigned Shows the count of updates that are installed, pending, or failed.
Installed Displays devices with successfully installed system updates. Selecting this redirects you to the Devices dashboard with the appropriate search filter applied.
Pending Displays devices with system updates that are in a pending state. Selecting this redirects you to the Devices dashboard with the appropriate search filter applied.
Note: Use the button to approve/ re-install update on the device.
Failed Displays devices with system updates that have failed. Selecting this redirects you to the Devices dashboard with the appropriate search filter applied
Published Date Displays the published date for the system update.
Note: Multiple updates may share the same KB number but have different classifications.
Note: The Updates dashboard shows approved updates as installed, but the device details will list them as pending until the updates are actually installed on the device.

Use the button besides a device group to view information on the update policies assigned to the selected group.