Deployment Server Settings
When there are more than one SOTI MobiControl Deployment Servers in your environment, you can customize the distribution the incoming and outgoing device interactions amongst the Deployment Servers. This feature provides automatic rebalancing when a Deployment Server disconnects and then later reconnects.
When a Deployment Server becomes unavailable (such as a disconnect) for any reason, its device load transfers to the other remaining Deployment Servers. When the unavailable Deployment Server reconnects, it has an underutilized device load while the other Deployment Servers have an overutilized device load. This results in a temporarily unbalanced usage of available Deployment Servers resources that is then later rebalanced by the automatic load balancer. To access this feature, select Enable automatic device balancing to enable this feature.
. ToggleSetting | Description |
Balancing interval | The frequency at which the SOTI MobiControl
Management Server redistributes and attempts to balance device load
across all Deployment Servers. You can specify between 600—9999 seconds. |
Wait for data timeout | The minimum duration of time required before the Management Server
considers a Deployment Server as unavailable. When a Deployment Server
is unavailable, the Management Server redirects the devices previously
connected to the unavailable Deployment Server to the other Deployment
Servers. You can specify between 200—9999 seconds. |
Maximum disconnect | During a rebalancing, the maximum number of devices that SOTI MobiControl disconnects (from the unavailable
Deployment Server) and re-connects (to a remaining Deployment Server) in
a single rebalancing attempt. SOTI MobiControl continuously repeats rebalancing attempts, waiting the Balancing interval number of seconds before each rebalancing attempt, until SOTI MobiControl balances the device load between Deployment Servers. The disconnection and connection operations only happen when SOTI MobiControl detects any load imbalance between the Deployment Servers. Restriction: This value cannot be changed. |
Device inactivity | The minimum duration of device inactivity since a device last
communicated with a Deployment Server before SOTI MobiControl considers the device as inactive. SOTI MobiControl ignores inactive devices during
rebalancing operations. You can specify between 300—9999 seconds. |
Tolerable imbalance percentage | The required deviation (as a percentage) from the Device Load
Percentage set for all Deployment Servers before SOTI MobiControl performs a rebalancing operation. The
rebalancing alters each Deployment Server's Device Load Percentage until
it is below the Tolerable Imbalance Percentage. Restriction: This value cannot be
changed. A Deployment Server configured with a Device Load
Percentage of 50% and a Tolerable Imbalance Percentage of 5% rebalances
when the device load is ≤45% or ≥55%. When rebalancing occurs, SOTI MobiControl alters the Deployment Server device load
until the Deployment Server has a Device Load Percentage between 45% and
55% exclusive. Likewise, all other Deployment Servers have a Device Load
Percentage within ±5% of their originally configured values. |
Setting | Description |
Host Name | The name of each individual Deployment Server in your SOTI MobiControl setup. Restriction: This value cannot be changed. |
Device Load Percentage | The device load (as a percentage amount of the total device load
across all Deployment Servers) for this SOTI MobiControl Deployment Server. Important: The
sum of all Device Load Percentage values for all Deployment Servers
must be equal to 100. |