Assigning Users to Devices by Importing a CSV File

Before you begin

Each user you are assigning to a device must have an LDAP connection to SOTI MobiControl. See Setting up an LDAP connection.

About this task

Assign multiple LDAP users to devices in one operation by importing a comma-separated values (CSV) file. The file must contain a list of LDAP users and the devices to assign them to.

The CSV file must list the assignments using the following format:


To assign multiple LDAP users to devices:


  1. From the main menu of the SOTI MobiControl web console, select Devices.
  2. Right-click View All and select Import User Assignments.
    Bulk assign LDAP users to devices
  3. In the Import User Assignments dialog box, select Browse File.
    Browse for CSV file of LDAP users to assign to devices
    File Explorer opens.
  4. In File Explorer, select the CSV file containing the LDAP user and device assignments to import.
  5. In the Import User Assignments dialog box, select Import.


The LDAP user and device assignments in the selected CSV file are imported to SOTI MobiControl.