Authentication for Linux

An Authentication configuration enables you to set minimum requirements for password-based user authentication on a device. Do this when you perform the following actions:

Complexity Requirement

Field Description
Minimum Password Length Select or enter the minimum number of characters a password must have. The minimum amount of characters is 8 and the maximum is 16.
Set Password Complexity Enable this option to set the level of password complexity for the following fields:
  • Minimum Special Characters
  • Minimum Uppercase
  • Minimum Lowercase
  • Minimum Numerals

You must add at least one complexity parameter when enabled.


Field Description
Expire Password in (Days) Enter the number of days before a password expires. The limit can only be between 1 to 730 days.
Number of Unique Passwords Before Reuse Select or enter the number of unique passwords before reusing an old password. You have the option to configure password reuse from 0 to 16 times.