Assign Profile: Options

Use this dialog box to specify profile assignment options. For procedure, see Assigning a Profile.


Select the profile installation method.

Installation Method Choose how to install the profile's content on the device:
  • Automatic: the contents of the profiles are automatically installed on the device once it receives the profile.
  • Self Serve: the device user chooses which configurations or packages to install.

Profile Deployment Actions

Specify the time and date to assign, disable or revoke the profile.

Assign Date Enable to select a date and time to assign the profile. If you also enable Delay to next update schedule, profile assignment takes place on the first update check-in following the assign date.
Disable Date Enable to select a date and time to disable the profile.
Revoke Date Enable to select a date and time to revoke the profile.
Custom Deployment Schedule Set time frames during which to install the contents of the profile. You can set multiple time frames. Select the Add button to add a time frame.
Note: You can set both a profile assign date/time and a time frame. If the profile assign date/time does not fall within the time frame, the profile is not automatically installed. Instead, the profile is only deployed if the device checks in during the time frame and after the profile assign date has passed. The start of the time frame does not automatically trigger a check in.
Note: Depending on the number and size of the packages contained within a profile, the download duration of a few packages may exceed the custom deployment time frame. For example, when you trigger a package download, the package downloads completely, even if it exceeds the custom deployment time frame. Also, if a package download interrupts because a device goes offline, the download resumes from where it left off after the device comes online.