Agent Builder: Options

Select the option you want to use to create device names, and select a package to embed in the device agent (if any).


This section enables you to select the option you want to use for creating device names.

Prompt device user to enter a device name The device agent prompts the user to enter a device name when it is first started.
Use the Device ID as device name The device ID becomes the device name.

Since the device ID is a cryptic string that is not easy to read, SOTI does not recommend this option.

Customize device name Enter a combination of text and macros to create device names.

For information about the macros that are available for naming devices, see Device Naming Macros.

Initial Package

This option enables you to specify a package to embed within the device agent installer. The package automatically executes when the agent installs on the device.

Select a package name from the list, or select Add Package to open the Add Package dialog box in which you can select a package. See Using Packages for more information.