Removing the Samsung Knox Container on Your Devices

Before you begin

Important: Samsung Knox 3.4 deprecated Knox Workspace containers. As such, SOTI MobiControl v15.0 and higher does not support the creation, modification, or deployment of Samsung Knox containers to devices. Suppose you have devices assigned a Samsung Knox container in a previous version of SOTI MobiControl, and you have since upgraded to SOTI MobiControl v15.0 or later. In that case, the Knox container remains on the device, but you cannot change or add device containers.

Learn more about how the Samsung Knox Workspace container deprecation may affect you at Samsung Knox Workspace Container Deprecation.

About this task

Warning: This procedure will permanently delete all enterprise apps, data, and configurations on the device. Furthermore, with the deprecation of the Samsung Knox Workspace container in Samsung Knox 3.4 and SOTI MobiControl v15.0, once you remove the Samsung Knox container from a device, you cannot add a new container.

To remove the Samsung Knox container:


  1. On the Profiles view, open the Profile Information panel of the Android Classic profile that holds the Samsung Knox profile configuration.
  2. On the Assignment tab, review which devices will be affected by this action. Once you're satisfied you are only changing those devices you want to change, proceed to the next step.
  3. In the Profile action bar, click > Delete.


The Samsung Knox Workspace container and its enterprise apps, data, and configurations will be removed from the selected devices.

Samsung Knox profiles that relied upon this Android Classic profile will continue to appear in the SOTI MobiControl console but will not apply to any devices targeted by this change. You can delete them or keep them for historical reference.