Assigned Access: Configurations (HoloLens)

The Assigned Access: Configurations profile configuration restricts device users' access to a set of admin defined applications, specified by their administrator. Device users are prevented from accessing any other applications or device controls while Assigned Access is active. You can apply Assigned Access to a local device account, a domain account, or a Microsoft account. You do this when:

The Assigned Access: Configurations dialog box provides a list of applications to choose from in the Allowed Applications section.

Once the profile has been assigned, devices must be rebooted before the Assigned Access profile configuration will take effect. You should also reboot the device when the profile configuration is revoked.


User Account Enter the user account where the Assigned Access profile application applies. Assigned access supports local device accounts, domain accounts, or Microsoft accounts.

If using a local account, enter just the username, no domain.

If using a domain account, include the domain with the username, i.e. domain\username

If using a Microsoft account, enter the complete email address, i.e.

If using a Microsoft account with Azure domain join or Azure enrolled devices, enter AzureAD\ followed by the complete email address, i.e. AzureAD\ Do not change AzureAD\ to another domain.

Allowed Applications

Use this section to select which applications the device user will have access to while the device is in assigned access mode.

You can select predefined applications or custom applications.

Application For predefined applications, select an application from the dropdown list. For custom applications, enter the application name.
User Model ID For predefined applications, this field is automatically populated once you select an application. For custom applications, enter the user model ID for the application.