Web Tile

Use the Web Tile tab to configure how links to web pages appear in the Start menu.

URL Enter the URL to the web page. Include http(s).
Display Name Enter a name for the web page. If you enable Show Display Name on Square Logo, this name appears in the tile, under the Microsoft Edge icon.
Square Logo URI The URI to the square logo graphic for the web tile. The prepopulated default graphic is a Microsoft Edge icon.

Enable Show Display Name on Square Logo to show, below the tile icon, the display name you entered.

Wide Logo URI The URI to the wide logo graphic for the web tile. The prepopulated default graphic is a Microsoft Edge icon.

Enable Show Display Name on Wide Logo to show, below the tile icon, the display name you entered.

Group Name Click Add and enter a name for the group in the Start menu, or select a group name that you created previously from the dropdown list. Application and web tiles in the same Tile Group are grouped together in the Start menu.
Tile Size Select the size of the tile from the dropdown list
Tile Position Select the position of the tile in the Start menu.
Tile Foreground Color Select a foreground color for the tile.