Add Home Screen Items

Specify the display name and the program path or URL of an item you want to add to the lockdown menu. You can also specify an image for the lockdown menu item.

Display Name Enter the display name of the menu item that will appear on the device.
Package Name or Script File or URL Enter the path for the web address, or the Package ID (Bundle Identifier) on the device. For instance, the Package ID (Bundle Identifier) for Google Maps is The package will automatically be prefixed with the Launch:// URI. If you want to navigate to a web page, enter the URL, for example

action:// - Executes a SOTI MobiControl action. To change the device password, use action://CHANGE_DEVICE_PASSWORD. To configure WiFi, use action://CONFIGURE_WIFI.

browser:// - Opens a webpage in the default browser using HTTP.

browsers:// - Opens a webpage in the default browser using HTTPS.

Dial:// - Opens the default dialer with a specified number (for example, dial://5555555555).

File:// - Opens non-HTML files on the device using its default browser (for example, file:///%sdcard%content/document.pdf).

http:// - Opens a webpage in the kiosk webview using HTTP.

https:// - Opens a webpage in the kiosk webview using HTTPS.

intentaction:// - Sends an intent with the given action.

intent: - Sends an intent given a standard intent URI.(for example, intent:#Intent;action=net.soti.mobicontrol.admin.PASSWORD_DIALOG;i.dialog_type=1;end ) See Intent at Android Developers Reference for more information.

Launchalways:// - Launches application in a completely fresh state. This was added to reflect legacy (pre-v10) launch:// behavior. The launched application is excluded from recents. See for more information.

Launchalwayswithrecents:// - Depricated, use launchwithrecents://instead.

Launch:// Launches an application, maintaining the state from the last time it was launched. In Android Plus, the launcher application is excluded from Recents.

launchenablesystem:// - Tries to enable If successful, the same action as launch:// is performed.

launchwithrecents://Launches an application, maintaining the state from the last time it was launched. The launch application appears in Recents and is not terminated if already in Recents.

Movie:// - Allows videos to be played on the lockdown. Same as file://.

refresh:// - Refreshes the kiosk webview. This does not need a scheme-specific part.

script:// - Executes a given SOTI MobiControl script file.

setlocale:// - Sets device locale. For example, setlocale://en_us.

shared-device:// - Shows shared device activity used for both login and logout of a shared device. See Sharing Devices for more information.

surf:// - Opens a webpage in the SOTI Surf secure browser. The SOTI Surf app must be installed on the device and configured with a SOTI Surf profile configuration.

Nothing - Same as file:// but rooted in the kiosk data folder. For example, foo becomes file://%kioskdata%/foo.

Everything Else - Same as intent://. Is sent to the application that is listening for the specified scheme. For example, foo://#action=bar becomes intent://foo://#action=bar.

Use Custom Image (Optional) Enable the toggle to select the file name of the image to be displayed for this lockdown menu item. The image will be automatically delivered to the device with the lockdown configuration. Select an image file from the list or click Browse File to select an image file from your local file system.

To display this image in the lockdown menu, include the <MCDispImgN> tag in the HTML template. See Customizing Lockdown Menu Templates for more information.

Note: If you want to replace an image that was previously imported, upload a new image file while maintaining the same name as the old image file. You will be asked to confirm the overwriting of the old image file. Click Yes to display the new image.
Launch Automatically on Start-up When this option is enabled, the program that is associated with this menu item will be automatically executed on startup (that is, after a soft reset, or a restart of the lockdown process).
Enable Single App Mode When this option is enabled, the device will launch directly into the app, and device functionality will be limited to that application. Only one menu item within the profile configuration may have Single App Mode enabled.
Note: To use this option, enable the Launch automatically on start-up option .