Load Balanced Deployments
Increase the reliability and performance of SOTI XSight services by spreading traffic across multiple servers. If one server experiences difficulties, the next server is ready to pick up the slack with no interruption in service. Load balanced servers share the same database.
SOTI XSight has been tested with the following load balancing deployments.
Same Server
Every server in the load balanced environment has both SOTI XSight and SOTI MobiControl installed. Instances of SOTI XSight and SOTI MobiControl on the same server communicate directly with each other and communicate with the other servers through the load balancer.
During installation, you can use relative URLs to configure each SOTI XSight instance to connect directly to the SOTI MobiControl instance that shares its server.

Separate Servers
Each instance of SOTI XSight and SOTI MobiControl is on a separate server. SOTI XSight instance 1 and 2 are on Server A and Server B, respectively while SOTI MobiControl instance 1 and 2 are on Server C and Server D. The servers communicate with each other through the load balancer.