Migrating a PA Cluster

About this task

Use this procedure to migrate a Management Service (MS) with a cluster of MQTT PAs to another virtual machine (VM).

The environment for the following example is configured as shown in the table below.

VM Services
Source VM1
  • Management service (MS)
  • SQL Server database (SQL)
  • Logging service (LS)
  • File store service (FS)
Source VM2
  • MQ Telemetry Transport Protocol Adapter (MQTT PA1 / Adapter-0)
Source VM3
  • MQ Telemetry Transport (MQTT) Protocol Adapter (MQTT PA2 / Adapter-2)
Destination VM11, VM12, and VM13
  • Empty VM
Source and destination systems are connected as shown below.

Starting environment with source and destination VMs

Adapter-0 and Adapter-2 in the diagram are united within Cluster Adapter-0, as illustrated below. In this example, Adapter-2 is disconnected. The connection status is not relevant to the example.

Protocol Adapter list


  1. Migrate the database to VM11 (RIL-PerfMon16.sotidev.com). A security access is required to complete these steps. Although migration of the SQL databases is not a built-in feature of SOTI Connect, you can migrate them yourself.
    Note: Ensure that all the databases (SotiConnectDeviceStateHistory, SotiConnectDeviceTypeDefinition, SotiConnectFileStoreService, SotiConnectLoggingService, and SotiConnectManagementServer) are migrated to the same server. Do not rename them.
  2. Migrate the MS as described in Installing the Failover Management Service Instance. The resulting environment will be as follows:
    Environment after MS and SQL migration
    In the remaining steps, we will migrate by adding new PAs to the source PA cluster (Cluster Adapter-0) and removing the source PAs (Adapter-0 and Adapter-2).
  3. To install a PA on RIL-PerfMon27.sotidev.com, run SOTI Connect Installer.exe. When prompted, confirm that you want to allow the installer to make changes to your system. The SOTI Connect Setup Wizard is displayed.
  4. Select Install Connect components and select Next. The Installation Type window is displayed.
    SOTI Connect Setup Wizard
  5. Select Custom and select Next. The Select Components window is displayed.
    SOTI Connect Setup Wizard
  6. Choose the PA type to match the PA you will be migrating.
    SOTI Connect Setup Wizard components to install
  7. Configure the new PA to connect to the migrated MS (for this example, RIL-PerfMon16.mydomain.com). Provide the same Client ID and Client Secret as for MS failover installation. Provide the Username and Password of a user who has administrative permissions).
    SOTI Connect Setup Wizard components Mqtt PA configure
  8. Select Test Connection. If the test is unsuccessful, check the following:
    • Check that the Client ID and Client Secret are entered correctly.
    • From this location, open the Connect web page. Log in with the Username and Password used above. Ignore possible warning messages about the root certificate. It will become trusted during the installation.
    • Sign out on the web page and sign back in. Check that the EULA is accepted.
    Note: A user with Administrator privileges must accept the End-User License Agreement (EULA), and must do so whether using a local account or an IDP.
  9. Select Next. The Configure MQTT Protocol Adapter Cluster window is displayed.
  10. Select a cluster of PAs to extend to a new VM from a list of available clusters (for this example, Cluster Adapter-0, which is composed of Adapter-0 and Adapter-2) and select Next. It may take a minute to validate this operation.
    Setup Wizard select adapter

    The updated environment appears as follows.

    Environment updated with the new adapter
  11. PAs within the same cluster share all devices and information about all MQTT brokers. Continuing the example, steps 1 to 10 are repeated for VM13. The updated environment appears as follows, with VM13 containing Adapter-4.
    Environment updated with the final adapter
  12. In SOTI Connect, navigate to System Management > System Architecture. The updated PA list is shown below. Remove unnecessary PAs (for this example, Adapter-0 and Adapter-2) from the source VMs by following Removing a Protocol Adapter (PA) from a Cluster.