Uninstalling SOTI Connect

About this task

Use the following steps to uninstall SOTI Connect:


  1. Locate the temporary folder where you extracted the SOTI Connect installation package, and double-click the installer (Soti.IoT.Installer.exe).

    When prompted, confirm that you want to allow the installer to make changes to your system.

    SOTI Connect Installation Package
  2. In the SOTI Connect setup wizard, select Uninstall all SOTI Connect components, then click Next.
    SOTI Connect Setup Wizard - Uninstall
  3. Enter the information required to connect to your SQL Server database, select Delete SOTI Connect data from SQL Server, then click Next.
    Delete SOTI Connect data from SQL Server
  4. Click Uninstall to start uninstalling SOTI Connect.
    Uninstall SOTI Connect
  5. When the uninstallation has completed, click Finish.


SOTI Connect has now been uninstalled.