Add Home Screen Items

Specify the display name, program path, or URL of the item you want to add to the lockdown menu. You can also set a custom image for the menu item. You do this when:

Display Name Enter the name that appears on the device’s lockdown menu.
Package Name or Script File or URL Select an intent from the menu:

Custom enables you to write your own custom intent.

action:// - Executes a SOTI MobiControl action. To change the device password, use action://CHANGE_DEVICE_PASSWORD. To configure Wi-Fi, use action://CONFIGURE_WIFI.

browser:// - Opens a webpage in the default browser using HTTP.

browsers:// - Opens a webpage in the default browser using HTTPS.

dial:// - Opens the default dialer with a specified number (e.g., dial://5555555555).

file:// - Opens non-HTML files on the device using its default browser (e.g., file:///%sdcard%content/document.pdf).

http:// - Opens a webpage in the kiosk webview using HTTP.

https:// - Opens a webpage in the kiosk webview using HTTPS.

intentaction:// - Sends an intent with the given action.

intent: - Sends an intent given a standard intent URI.(e.g., intent:#Intent;action=net.soti.mobicontrol.admin.PASSWORD_DIALOG;i.dialog_type=1;end ) See Intent at Android Developers Reference for more information.

Launchalways:// - Launches application in a completely fresh state. Added to reflect legacy (pre-v10) launch:// behavior. It excludes this application from Recents when launched. See Intent at Android Developers Reference for more information.

launchalwayswithRecents:// - Deprecated. Use launch withRecents://instead.

launch:// Launches an application, maintaining the state from the last time it launched. It also removes the launcher applications from Recents for Android Plus devices.

launchenablesystem:// - Tries to enable It performs the same action as launch:// if successful.

launchwithRecents://Launches an application, maintaining the state from the last time it launched. The launch application appears in Recents and is not killed if already in Recents.

movie:// - Enable videos to play on the lockdown. Same as file://.

refresh:// - Refreshes the kiosk web view. This does not need a scheme-specific part.

script:// - Executes a given SOTI MobiControl script file.

setlocale:// - Sets device locale. For example, setlocale://en_us.

shared-device:// - Shows shared device activity used for both login and logout of a shared device. Sharing Devices.

surf:// - Opens a web page in the SOTI Surf secure browser. You must install the SOTI Surf app on the device and configure it with a SOTI Surf profile configuration.

nothing - Same as file:// but rooted in the kiosk data folder. For example, foo becomes file://%kioskdata%/foo

everything else - Same as intent://. Sent to the application that is listening for the specified scheme. For example, foo://#action=bar becomes intent://foo://#action=bar.

Hide Item Enable this toggle to hide the application on the lockdown home screen while allowing it to run in the background as needed.
Note: Enabling this toggle disables Use Custom Image, Launch Automatically on Start-up and Enable Single App mode.
Note: If the same application is added to both the visible and hidden lists, the application marked as visible will be shown on the device. While the application marked as hidden will remain hidden.
Use Custom Image [Optional] Enable this toggle to select an image file for the lockdown menu item. The image automatically deploys with the lockdown configuration. Select an image from the list or choose Browse File to upload one from your file system. To display the custom image in the lockdown menu, include the <MCDispImgN> tag in your HTML template. For more information, see Customizing Lockdown Menu Templates.
Note: If you need to replace an existing image, upload a new file with the same name. When prompted, select Yes to confirm. The new image replaces the old one.
Launch Automatically on Start-up When enabled, the program associated with this menu item automatically executes on start-up (that is, after a soft reset, or a restart of the lockdown process).
Enable Single App Mode When enabled, the device launches directly into the app, and device functionality limits to that application. Only one menu item within the profile configuration may have Single App Mode enabled.
Note: Enable Launch automatically on start-up to use this option.