Viewing Package Information

About this task

You can view information about your packages, such as content details, deployment logs, scripts, etc.
Restriction: Packages are only available for the following platforms:
  • Android Plus
  • Linux
  • Windows Mobile/CE
  • Windows Classic (Desktop)
  • Windows Modern (Desktop)

To view more details about packages:


  1. Navigate to the main menu and select Packages.
    packages view
  2. In the Packages view, select a package to open its information panel.
  3. Switch between the Package Details, Files, Scripts, Profiles, and Logs tab to see more details.
    package details


Package Details

The Package Details tab displays the package's name, device family, version history, and important dates (creation, last modified).

Package Details (All Versions)

Package Name Displays the package name.
Family Shows the device platform information of the package, indicating the compatible operating systems (e.g., Android, Windows, Linux).
First Version Upload Date Shows the upload date of the first version of the package.
First Version Uploaded By Displays details of the user who uploaded the first version of the package.
Total Versions Displays the count of all versions of the package uploaded.
Upload Date Shows the upload date of the latest version of the package.
Uploaded By Displays details of the user who uploaded the latest version of the package.
Total Size Shows the accumulated size of all the package versions.
Status Shows the current package status (e.g., Draft, Published).

Permission Details

Permission Details Displays permission details for each associated user, including username and associated permission.


The Files tab displays files (e.g., apk, pcg, etc.) attached to the package.

Files Displays a list of files attached to the package, providing easy access to all associated files.


The Scripts tab displays details for scripts associated with the package.

Pre-install Displays a list of associated scripts which executes before the package installation.
Post-install Displays a list of associated scripts which executes after the package installation.
Pre-uninstall Displays a list of associated scripts which executes before the package uninstalls.
Post-uninstall Displays a list of associated scripts which executes after the package uninstalls.


The Profiles tab lists which profiles contain the package.


Profile Name Displays a list of profiles associated with the package. Selecting a profile opens the Profile Details view.
Package Version Shows the package version associated with the profile, indicating which version is being used.
Assigned Date Displays the date when the package was assigned to the associated profile.

Profiles of Dependents

Profile Name Shows a list of profiles that depends on the package you are viewing. Selecting a profile opens the Profile Details view.
Assigned Package Displays the package name assigned to the profile.
Package Version Shows the package version associated with the profile.
Note: You cannot delete a package or any of its dependents if it is assigned to a profile.


The Logs tab lists events associated with the package, such as when you added it to SOTI MobiControl.

Logs Displays detailed log information for the package, providing a comprehensive history of actions and changes.