Deleting Packages from SOTI MobiControl

About this task

Remove unused or outdated packages from SOTI MobiControl to free up space on the database and improve performance. These steps only remove packages from the web console and its database. Packages created within Package Studio projects remain unaffected.
Tip: After uploading a package and deploying it to the devices, the package may no longer be needed. Consider deleting the package to free up storage space. This is recommended for package files larger than 2GB to preserve available storage.
Tip: To further reduce the database's size and optimize server performance:
Important: Deleting packages from the web console does not remove them from the devices SOTI MobiControl deployed them to. Revoking the profile containing the package removes them if:
  • During the profile assignment, you enabled the Advanced > Package Options > Uninstall package contents upon profile revocation or deletion option.
  • During package creation, you disabled the Do not uninstall the file option.

If either condition is false, you must remove the files and applications from devices using the console or do so manually (see Uninstalling Applications From the Web Console)..


  1. In the Packages view, select a package to open its Package Information panel, then select Delete from the actions list.
  2. Optional: You can select more than one package to bulk delete packages.
    Bulk deleting packages.
  3. Review the selected packages for deletion in the DELETE PACKAGE? prompt.
    Confirming package deletion.
  4. Optional: Navigate to the Packages and Versions tab to select specific package versions for deletion.
    Selecting a specific version of a package for deletion.
  5. Select Delete to confirm package deletion.
    Tip: You can also right-click and select Delete beside the package.


Packages are removed from SOTI MobiControl.