Connection Settings

Use the Connection Settings dialog box to configure connections between the SOTI MobiControl device agent and the deployment server.

Note: Settings may differ depending on the selected device family.
Override Settings Inherited from Parent Group 'device group name' Turn on to ignore settings inherited from parent device groups.

This option is displayed only in nested device groups.

Apply changes to all child groups and devices Turn on to cascade settings specified here to all nested devices and device groups.

Connection Mode

Specify the type of connection between the device agent and the deployment server: persistent, scheduled, or manual.

Connection Type Select a connection type:

Choose Persistent to have the device agent maintain a persistent connection with the deployment server. This is the recommended connection mode for most installations.

Choose Scheduled to have the device agent connect with the deployment server only at scheduled times. Select Add to add an entry to the schedule list or Delete to delete the selected entry from the list. See Add Schedule Entry for more information.

The scheduled connection times must take into account the device update schedule and the file synchronization schedule, since device updates and file synchronization can occur only while the device agent is connected to the deployment server.

Choose Manual to prevent the device agent from automatically establishing a connection with the deployment server. Instead, connections must be initiated manually by the device user.

Retry Connection Every Specify an interval, in seconds, after which the device agent will reattempt to establish a connection with the deployment server, in the event that the initial connection attempt failed.

If the device will be disconnected from the deployment server for long periods, you should set this value high to prevent battery drain.

Do not connect via cellular data network (e.g. GPRS) When enabled, the device agent will not attempt to connect to the deployment server if the only available connection is a cellular data network.
Connect only when no cellular voice call is in progress When enabled, the device agent will not attempt to connect to the deployment server if there is a cellular voice call in progress.

Connection Restrictions

Block device agents from staying connected to deployment servers when they are using a specified WiFi network.

Select Add to add a new WiFi network restriction. To specify a WiFi network to block, enter its SSID under the Value field.

By default, the Operator is set to Equals which blocks the single WiFi network that exactly matches the entered SSID. However, you can use the alternative Operators: Contains, Begins With, or Ends With, to block a range of networks instead.

Tip: Use the connect -f script command to force the device agent to connect to the deployment server even if it is currently on a blocked WiFi network.

Log File Management

Specify the minimum and maximum size of log files on the device, and whether to enable logging of debug information. Reduces the size of a log file when it grows beyond the specified maximum size, to the specified minimum size, by purging older entries.

Minimum Size The size the log file reduces to when it exceeds the maximum size. The reduction is by purging older log entries.
Maximum Size The maximum size of the log file. Once the log file exceeds this size, reduce to the minimum size by purging older log entries.
Enable Debug Logging On Device Enables event logging on the device. All SOTI MobiControl-related activity and events are written to a log file. The log file can provide vital information to support staff in diagnosing and resolving any issues that are reported for the device with respect to SOTI MobiControl.
Note: The device may operate more slowly with this option selected.


The Advanced section allows you to configure GPS and other advanced settings.

Note: Settings may differ depending on the selected device family.

Specify how GPS settings are configured on devices. Select either:

  • Automatically detect GPS device settings to allow devices to automatically detect GPS device setting.
  • Manually configure GPS device settings to manually configure the GPS settings on the device. These settings will likely be the same as the GPS settings configured on the device. Selecting this option will expose GPS settings that you can manipulate. See Manual GPS Settings for more information.
Note: These options are only visible when Manually configure GPS device settings is selected.
Hardware COM Port Choose a hardware COM port number from the drop-down list.
Baud Rate Choose a baud rate from the drop-down list.
Parity Choose a parity status from the drop-down list.
Data Bits Choose the number of data bits from the drop-down list.
Stop Bits Choose the number of stop bits from the drop-down list.


Show System Tray Icon Controls whether the MobiControl Agent icon shows in the device system tray.
Allow Inbound TCP/IP(Direct) Remote Control Connections When enabled, inbound TCP/IP(Direct) remote control connections are allowed on the device.
Enable advanced keyboard control When enabled, advanced keyboard control is allowed on the device.