Disconnection Recovery for SOTI XTreme Hubs

If there are connection problems between the Windows SOTI XTreme Hub device and its Android devices, they recover in the following ways.

Scenario Recovery Behavior
A device is currently downloading files from a Windows SOTI XTreme Hub device and receives a new set of download instructions from the deployment server. The device cancels the current set of file transfers and starts a new download process for the new instructions.
While downloading files, a device loses its connection to the Windows SOTI XTreme Hub device. At the next device check-in, the device resumes downloading from the point of connection loss. It does not restart the download from the beginning.
In environments with multiple Windows SOTI XTreme Hub devices, there may be rare occasions where some SOTI XTreme Hub devices have more recent files than others. If a device connects to a Windows SOTI XTreme Hub device with out of date files, it downloads outdated files. However, as soon as it connects to an up to date Windows SOTI XTreme Hub device, it updates its files.
The Windows SOTI XTreme Hub device is offline (there is no connection between it and the deployment server). Devices continue to try to connect to the Windows SOTI XTreme Hub device according to the settings specified in their advanced configuration.

To force devices to use a deployment server for file distribution, you need to disable or unenroll all applicable Windows SOTI XTreme Hub devices (see Reverting to Deployment Server File Distribution.)

The SOTI XTreme Hub is disabled The device transfers the files from the deployment server.
The multiple SOTI XTreme Hub devices you have on the same device group or the parent group are offline. The device tries to connect to the available SOTI XTreme Hub devices based on the set retry attempts to any of the SOTI XTreme Hub devices (in the same group or parent group).
All the available SOTI XTreme Hub devices are offline for more than an hour. The device falls back to the deployment server to transfer the files.
The SOTI XTreme Hub configurations are enabled on platform group level but there is no SOTI XTreme Hub device available. The device gets the files from the deployment server but once an SOTI XTreme Hub device becomes available, it starts requesting the files from the SOTI XTreme Hub device.
The SOTI XTreme Hub configurations are enabled but the available SOTI XTreme Hub device is disabled. The device transfers the files from the deployment server.
A SOTI XTreme Hub device moves from device group “A” to device group “B.” Where devices under device group “A” are connected to DS1 and devices under device group “B” are connected to DS2. DS2 does not know that the SOTI XTreme Hub device has moved to device group “B” until it checks with the database later (10 minutes is the default, but can be configured differently).