Intent/API to integrate ability in native apps to navigate directly to Settings Manager

Customize access to Settings Manager settings from the Settings Manager app.

Include this code in client applications to enable navigation to the settings sections. Cannot configure from payload.
  • Display Section: "net.soti.settingsmanager.external.ACTION_DISPLAY_MANAGER"
  • Sound Section: "net.soti.settingsmanager.external.ACTION_SOUND_MANAGER"
  • WIFI Section: "net.soti.settingsmanager.external.ACTION_WIFI_MANAGER"
  • Bluetooth Section: "net.soti.settingsmanager.external.ACTION_BLUETOOTH_MANAGER"
  • Time Zone Section: "net.soti.settingsmanager.external.ACTION_TIMEZONE_MANAGER"
  • Access Point Section: "net.soti.settingsmanager.external.ACTION_APN_MANAGER"
  • Device Security Section: "net.soti.settingsmanager.external.ACTION_DEVICE_SECURITY_MANAGER"
  • Flashlight Section: "net.soti.settingsmanager.external.ACTION_FLASHLIGHT_MANAGER"

Client side implementations

For Kotlin applications:

    ?.apply {
        requireActivity().overridePendingTransition(0, 0)

For Java applications:

Intent intent = getPackageManager().getLaunchIntentForPackage("net.soti.settingsmanager");
if (intent != null) {
    intent.setAction(action); startActivity(intent); overridePendingTransition(0, 0);


The application can navigate to the related Settings Manager section directly through the API in the Settings Manager app when the device enters lockdown mode.

What to do next

You must add a Lockdown profile configuration and an Authentication configuration to use the Settings Manager app.