
Select the files or folders on the server and the device you want this rule to synchronize, and the direction of synchronization. You do this when:


Select the direction of file synchronization.

Upload file(s) from Devices to Server Select this option to synchronize files by uploading changed files from the device to the server.
Download file(s) from Server to Devices Select this option to synchronize files by downloading changed files from the server to the device.


Select the files or folders you want this rule to synchronize on the server and the device.

Device File/Folder Name Enter the complete file system path to the files or folders on the device you want to be synchronized with the server.

File path names are case sensitive for Android, iOS and Linux devices.

Server File/Folder Name Enter the complete file system path to the files or folders on the server you want to be synchronized with the device.

Although you can use either a UNC path (\\) or a local path ([drive]:\) for the server path, we strongly recommend using a UNC path. A local path can be used only where one deployment server is being used and the local path is on the deployment server machine. If a different user name or password is required to access a UNC path, use the following syntax: \\server\Shared\file.docx,u=user,p=password.

Note: Ensure that the deployment server has sufficient permission to read from the source path and write to the destination path.


Select the server-side folder options you want for this file sync rule.

Upload Rule Options For upload rules, files collected from the device can be written to:
  • A single shared folder, meaning files could potentially be overwritten if they have the same name.
  • A per-device subfolder, named using the device ID (for example {00135304-41D7-019E-5800-0050BF3F5173}).
  • A per-device subfolder, named using the device tree path (for example .\Management Devices\Device 0001).
Download Rule Options For download rules, files disseminated from the server can be read from:
  • A single shared folder, meaning all devices get the same files.
  • A per-device subfolder, named using the device ID (for example {00135304-41D7-019E-5800-0050BF3F5173}).
  • A per-device subfolder, named using the device tree path (for example .\Management Devices\Device 0001).
Create folders immediately after rule is saved When this option is enabled, the server-side folders will be created immediately after the file sync rule is saved. This allows adding files to the folders on the servers that are synchronized with the devices when the file sync event occurs.