Select Apps (iOS—App Store)

Use the Select Apps dialog box to select applications to add to the app policy. You can add apps to a policy while:

App Selection

App Type Select the App Store option.
Region Select an App Store region.

App Search

Use the search bar to find apps either by a keyword or URL:
  • Keyword — Type the application name. The search list displays all matching apps. Select the required app.
  • URL — If you have the URL string for a particular app, enter the complete URL string in the search bar, and the required app appears.

Application Information

In this section, you can review application information such as the display name, version, price, seller, and description.

Some fields in this section might be editable. Enter/edit information in these fields as required.

Select Configure to open the Application Configurations dialog box to specify more configuration settings. See Advanced Configurations (iOS - App Store).