Location Services on iOS Devices

iOS devices can use SOTI MobiControl Location Services if they have a SOTI MobiControl device agent installed. The device agent must have been launched at least once and have its location services set to Always in iOS Location Services settings.

You can choose between two accuracy levels:

  • Optimal battery performance: is less accurate but consumes less power. This option only reports significant changes in the device's location when it's connected to an active cellular network.
  • Optimal location accuracy: is more accurate but consumes more power. Location data is gathered using assisted GPS data from the device (GPS, WiFi, or cellular network).
Important: When actively locating the device, the device agent must be in the foreground of the device. However, location tracking data can be collected while the agent is in the background.

SOTI MobiControl SDK for iOS

The SOTI MobiControl SDK for iOS allows you to incorporate features of the SOTI MobiControl iOS device agent into your own enterprise or App Store applications. If you install an SDK-enabled app on your devices, SOTI MobiControl uses both the device agent and the SDK-enabled app to track location. Both applications have the same dependencies but can operate independently of each other.

See Using the SOTI MobiControl SDK for iOS for more information.