Setting Up a Health Policy

About this task

To configure a health policy for your Windows 10 or later devices:


  1. Click a device name to open its Device Information panel.
  2. Switch to the Configurations tab and scroll down to the Advanced Configurations table.
  3. Open Health Attestation Policy.
  4. Establish a Health Policy that suits your needs by selecting Any or All from the compliance drop-down and enabling the desired security parameters.
    • Where Any means that once a single parameter from the selected options is met, the device is non-compliant
    • Where All means that all the selected parameters must fail before a device is considered non-compliant.
  5. Click OK to save and apply your Health Policy.


You can also modify Health Policies at the device group level by following the same general steps. Open a Group Information panel and edit Health Attestation Policy in the Advanced Configurations table of the Configurations section.