Phone Calls > Restrictions > Phone Calls

Use this dialog when:

Name Enter a descriptive name you want to give this list of phone numbers.
Call Direction Select the phone call direction you want to allow or deny for this list of phone numbers: incoming, outgoing, or both.
Call Type Select whether you want to allow or deny access to this list of phone numbers.
Add Phone Numbers Enter a phone number per row. Click Add to add a new row. You can also import a .txt file with a list of phone numbers. The imported file must
  • be in plain text format
  • have one phone number per line
  • have no more than 2000 lines
Note: The phone number must contain only numbers. Do not include number group separators such as dashes or spaces.

Using Wildcard Characters

SOTI MobiControl supports the use of the asterisk (*) and question mark (?) wildcard characters to indicate a range of phone numbers. An asterisk matches zero or more digits, and a question mark matches one digit.

Example: 416* matches all phone numbers that start with 416.

Example: 444555123? matches the following phone numbers:


You can also use the two wildcard characters in combination. For example, 4??55512* would match 4325551234, but not 4324321234.