Configuring Settings for Windows XTreme Hub Devices

Before you begin

Make sure the FQDN of your Windows XTreme Hub device matches its full computer name.

About this task

You can control where the deployment server saves files and packages on the XTreme Hub Windows device. You can also change which port a Windows XTreme Hub device uses to communicate with the devices it sends files to.

To configure settings for a Windows XTreme Hub device:


  1. In the Devices view, right-click on the device group that contains the Windows XTreme Hub devices whose settings you want to configure and select Advanced Configurations.
  2. Make sure that Windows Desktop Classic is selected in the device family dropdown list and select the XTreme Hub advanced configuration.
  3. Turn on Apply changes to all Child Groups and Devices and Enable XTreme Hub.
  4. Update the values for the Configuration Settings.
    File Storage Path Enter the location on the Windows device where files to be transferred from the deployment server to managed devices should reside on the Windows device.

    Enter the file location path in either of the following formats: \\ or drive:\. The default file location is C:\ProgramData\SOTI\MobiControl\.

    Port Enter the port number that the XTreme Hub uses to communicate with devices.

    The default port number is 443.

  5. Select Save to save your settings.


The Windows XTreme Hub device will follow these settings for communication and file distribution.