Accounts (App Store License)

Use the Accounts dialog box to:

When Adding an Account

Account Enter a descriptive name for the App Store License account. The name identifies the account on the App Store License Management page (see App Store License Management).
Server Token

Enter the "Apps and Books" server token you downloaded from Apple Business Manager. You can browse for the token file or drag and drop it into the field.

Note: A token is valid for one year from the date it was issued.
Server Token Expiry Appears once a token has been uploaded. The token expiry date (read-only).
Organization Appears once a token has been uploaded. The organization that owns the account (read-only).
Country Appears once a token has been uploaded. The country where the account is registered (read-only).
Location Appears once a token has been uploaded. The organization's location that manages the licenses in the "Apps and Books" server token (read-only). This is also the name of the "Apps and Books" server token in Apple Business Manager.
iOS App Store Applications Appears once a token has been uploaded. This section lists the App Store and Custom applications that are managed using the selected App Store License account.

When Renewing an Account

Account The name of the App Store License account. The name identifies the account on the App Store License Management page (see App Store License Management).
Server Token

The token that must be renewed. Download the server token from the "Apps and Books" section in Apple Business Manager and upload it here. You can browse for the token file or drag and drop it into the field.

Note: A token is valid for one year from the date it was issued.
Note: The correct "Apps and Books" server token in Apple Business Manager is the one whose name equals the value of the account's Location field.
Server Token Expiry The token expiry date (read-only). Once a new server token is uploaded, this field automatically updates with the new expiry date.
Organization The organization that owns the account (read-only).
Country The country where the account is registered (read-only).
Location The organization's location that manages the licenses in the "Apps and Books" server token (read-only). This is also the name of the "Apps and Books" server token in Apple Business Manager.
iOS App Store Applications This section lists the App Store and Custom applications that are managed using the selected App Store License account.

Once you have made changes that require saving, you are prompted to Save or Cancel them.