About Remote Control

You can access the remote-control feature on the working panel (far left side) of the SOTI XSight Incident page. This feature enables you to remotely control a device so you can diagnose and resolve problems.

To display the remote-control page in a separate window, select Separate window button.

To move a separate remote-control window back into the remote-control page, select Merge remote-control page.

Title Bar

Device's context menu This menu appears to the right of the device name. The device management options available from this menu depend on the group the device belongs to. When you move the device from one group to another, the options change automatically.
+ Add to Incident Select this button to add the current device to an existing or new incident. Remote-control header

Remote Control Views

The following viewing options are available on a toolbar at the top-right of the remote-control page:

Remote-control icon Displays an interactive image of the device. Selecting and dragging on the image using the mouse pointer emulates tapping and swiping the device touch screen.

When you select this view, the Remote Control Toolbar appears on the right side of the page under the viewing options toolbar.

Device snapshot icon Displays snapshot information from SOTI MobiControl about the device status, battery life and memory usage, (see About the Device Snapshot Page). You can display the same information directly from the Association panel by selecting the Snapshot icon, which is active even for the devices that are currently offline.
Note: Requires SOTI MobiControl View System Info device group permission (see Device Group Permissions in SOTI MobiControl Help).
Download diagnostic files icon Downloads diagnostic files to SOTI XSight and attaches them to the incident. You can preview these files in the incident details view.
Note: Requires Android device agent version 14.0 or later.
File manger icon Displays a tree view of the device's file system. You can search the file system for specific files/folders, download, rename, delete, and upload files and folders to the device.
Task Manager icon Displays a list of the tasks currently running on the device. On Windows CE and Windows Desktop devices you can also end running tasks.
Web Console Displays the administration web console for managing devices that lack a user interface. You do not need to be on the same network as the device.
Note: Requires Linux device agent version 14.3 or later, and SOTI MobiControl Run Web Console device group permission. See Device Group Permissions in SOTI MobiControl Help.
Terminal Displays an SSH terminal window for the device.
Note: Requires Linux device agent version 14.3 or later, and SOTI MobiControl Run Command Prompt/Terminal device group permission. See Device Group Permissions in SOTI MobiControl Help.

Remote Control Toolbar

When you select the Remote Control view, the tools at the right side of the page let you control basic device functionality and adjust the device view.

Zoom in tool Magnifies the device view so you see a smaller area in more detail.
Zoom out tool Reduces the device view so you see a larger area in less detail.
Fit Screen tools Adjusts the device view so that the entire device appears within the Remote Control page or window.
Fit resolution buttons Shows the device at actual size.
Select individual screen when remote controlling a windows modern display Allow users to select a specific screen when remote controlling a Windows Modern device with multiple screens.
Pan mode buttons Lets you to grab and move (pan) the device view while zoomed in.
Rotate clockwise Rotates the device screen clockwise.
Take screenshot button Takes a screen shot of the device and attaches it to the incident. You can then add a description, view, download, or delete the screen shot.
Record video and voice button Starts recording the remote control session. You can pause and resume the recording. When you stop recording, the video is automatically attached to the incident. You can then add a description, replay, download, or delete the recording.
Enable screen drawing button Lets you, and optionally the device user, draw on the device screen. The bottom of the page displays a drawing toolbar when using this option. The following tools are available:
  • Disable Drawing
  • Clear All Drawings
  • Change Color
  • Stroke Weight
  • Eraser
  • Pencil
  • Laser
  • Change User Access
  • Switch to Whiteboard
Preferences button Opens the Preferences dialog box where you can save your preferences for video recording. Preferences include recording mouse-movements and mouse-clicks, displaying the device skin, and selecting the screen capture file format (GIF, JPEG, BMP, or PNG).
Home button Navigates back to the device's home screen.
Go back button Navigates to the previous device screen.
Volume up button Raises the device volume.
Volume down button Lowers the device volume.
Lock device button Locks or unlocks the device screen.
Device menu button Opens the device menu.