Zebra SNMP Download

SOTI Connect supports Zebra Link-OS 6.6 and earlier printers with SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol).

Organizations with Zebra legacy printers enjoy high-quality and reliable printing, but these printers do not support modern management protocols. This makes device management difficult because there is little insight into the performance, health and security status of their devices. Unmanaged printers are prone to excessive downtime, higher operating costs and security threats.

With SOTI Connect, administrators can secure, troubleshoot and even upgrade remote printers, providing better management of their Zebra printers.

Key Features of SOTI Connect Support for Zebra Printers Utilizing SNMP

  • Automatic Printer Discovery and Enrollment

    Register and discover Zebra printers.

  • Total Printer Inventory

    Search for Zebra printers, even when the IP address is not known.

  • Wi-Fi Configuration

    Remotely configure Wi-Fi settings for new or existing Zebra printers. Establish consistent configurations for all devices and ensure secure connections. As Wi-Fi policies change or certificates expire, update Zebra printers automatically over-the-air (OTA) without needing to remove them from service.

  • Remote Configuration

    Send new configurations to Zebra printers. Set up older printers to perform current printing tasks, ensuring greater printing consistency, performance and management of older and newer Zebra printers.

  • Firmware File Installation to Upgrade Newer Devices

    Secure and protect printers from security threats. Install firmware files into Zebra printers, protecting them from data threats and theft.

  • Support for File Downloads

    Download files from SOTI Connect to Zebra SNMP printers. Using File Store, administrators can upload files to SOTI Connect and then push the files to devices. Send files to devices as a Device Action (see Pushing a File Using a Device Action), an Action Rule (see Pushing a File Using an Action Rule), or an Automation Rule (see Pushing a File Using an Automation Rule).

Requirements for files/firmware downloads:

  • Only Zebra devices support file/firmware download.
  • Perform file/firmware downloads only when the printer is not in use for printing.
  • The following ports must be accessible for file/firmware download:
    • Port 4646 (PA - FS).
    • Port 4650 (Simple HTTP for SOTI Connect File Store Root Certificate Public Key).
    • Port 9100 (Direct socket connection).
    • Port 4649 (PA to MS. Ensure correct configuration between SNMP PA and SOTI Connect).
Tip: Use File Store to upload files to SOTI Connect.
Note: Send files/firmware to Zebra devices using Device Actions (see Pushing a File Using a Device Action), Action Rules (see Pushing a File Using an Action Rule), or Automation Rules (see Pushing a File Using an Automation Rule).
Important: For optimal performance, update the firmware for no more than 250 devices within a single Hive at the same time. The update file must be 67MB or smaller. If the update file is larger, reduce the number of devices to ensure a smooth update process.

SNMP Bulk Import Header Format

SNMP bulk importation of devices requires a specific file format when the CSV file has headers.

Note: This section applies only to SNMP bulk import CSV files that contain headers.

To use a CSV file with headers for the SNMP bulk importation of devices:

  • The headers must only be Address, Public and Private.
  • The Ω (omega) symbol must be the first character of the first header only, which indicates that headers are present.
  • The CSV file must be in CSV UTF-8 format.
    Important: If the CSV file is not saved in CSV UTF-8 format, the Ω (omega) symbol is not recognized.

Registering SNMP Devices with Hostname

The SNMP PA can communicate with devices using hostname in addition to IP address.

DNS Lookup happens when:

  • Registering a device. When providing a hostname, the PA attempts to resolve it to an IP address and rejects the registration if the DNS lookup fails.
  • Processing device actions if the device registers with a hostname. The Action fails if the DNS lookup fails.
    Note: Currently the hostname resolution can return either IPv4 or IPv6.

Reverse DNS Lookup happens when:

  • Searching for new devices. The PA attempts to resolve the IP address to a hostname then uses the hostname (if found) to register the device instead of the IP address.
  • Processing an SNMP Trap. The PA attempts to resolve the IP address to a hostname and use both hostname and IP address to match with a device. The Trap is ignored if the PA cannot match it to a registered device.