Configuring Components

Before you begin

Important: The SOTI Connect Installer must be the same version as the installed version of SOTI Connect.

About this task

The following procedure describes how to configure installed SOTI Connect components.


  1. Extract the SOTI Connect installation package (.zip file) to a temporary folder.
  2. Double-click the installer (SOTI Connect Installer.exe) and confirm that you want to allow it to make changes to your system.
  3. In the SOTI Connect Setup Wizard, select Update configuration of existing Connect components, then select Next.
    SOTI Connect Setup Wizard
    Tip: Check that the SOTI Connect Installer is the same as the installed version of SOTI Connect. In the diagram above, the version number of the SOTI Connect Installer (red box on the lower left) matches the installed SOTI Connect version (red box on the upper right).
  4. On the Select Components screen, select the components whose configuration you wish to update and select Next.SOTI Connect Select Components
    Note: All installed components are pre-selected. Unselecting components does not uninstall those components. The configuration of unselected components is not changed.
  5. Follow the instructions in the wizard to complete the process of configuring components.


You have successfully configured the SOTI Connect components of an existing installation.

Tip: If any problems occur during installation, check the logs. To view the logs, navigate to the installation folder and open the InstallerUI.log file.