Bulk Import of Group Mappings

About this task

This section describes how to bulk import group mappings. Along with the basic five column *.csv file format used for bulk import of group mappings, there is also an extended bulk import *.csv file format available.

Bulk Import of Group Mappings


  1. From the SOTI Connect web console, select Administration.
  2. In the left pane, select Automatic Group Mappings.
  3. Select Import New Mapping.
  4. Select Upload File and find your bulk group mappings file and select Open.
    Note: The maximum file size for the bulk import group mapping file is 120KB.
    Note: First row of a bulk import group mappings file is a header and is not imported in the bulk-add process.

    Bulk import group mapping files are in *.csv format. Each row defines a new mapping with the following fields of information separated by commas:

    Name of mapping Mapping attribute

    Only FQDN is valid at this time.

    Mapping types

    Entry must be a list, separated by commas, in quotes (for example, "type1, type2, type3").

    Mapping expression

    For example, "*.xyz.customer.com".

    Name of the group to map to
  5. Optional: To replace all existing mappings with the ones in the uploaded file, select Delete all existing mappings.
  6. Select Generate.

Extended CSV Format for Bulk Import of Group Mappings

The extended bulk import of group mappings *.csv file format uses up to 11 fields.
Column CSV Column Description
1 Name of Mapping
2 Mapping Attribute

Options: "fqdn”, “iprange”, “ipmask” and “none”.

Note: The value of this column dictates the handling of columns 6 and 7.
3 Mapping Types

See Mapping Types in the Bulk Import of Group Mappings section.

4 Source Group (optional)
5 Destination Group (required)

Mapping Expression

Dependent on value of Mapping Attribute (column 2):

  • If column 2 contains “fqdn”, this column has a mapping expression as described in the Bulk Import of Group Mappings section.
  • If column 2 contains “iprange”, then this is the start of the IP range to match against (for example, “”).
  • If column 2 contains “ipmask”, it is a valid CIDR-notation representation of an IP address and its associated network mask (for example, ""). See the CIDR notation section of the Classless Inter-Domain Routing Wikipedia page.
  • Ignored if column 2 contains “none”.

Second part of Mapping Expression

If column 2 contains “iprange”, then this is the end of the IP range to match.

  • Ignored if column 2 contains “fqdn”, “ipmask”, or “none”.
8 Manufacturer
A case-sensitive string corresponding to a device manufacturer.
Note: To match, this string must appear exactly as it does under “Manufacturer” in the Device Details panel. There can be no differences. For example, there can be no extra spaces, or upper/lower case letter differences.
9 Model
A case-sensitive string corresponding to a device model.
Note: To match, this string must appear exactly as it does under “Model” in the Device Details panel. There can be no differences. For example, there can be no extra spaces, or upper/lower case letter differences.
10 Custom Attribute Name(s)

One or more custom attribute names, separated by commas.

Note: If providing multiple custom attribute names, the entire list must be in double quotes (for example, "MyIntegerAttribute,MyFloatAttribute").
11 Custom Attribute Value(s)

One or more custom attribute values, separated by commas.

Note: If providing multiple custom attribute values, the entire list must be in double quotes (for example: "1,2.5").
Note: The following notes apply to columns 10 and 11 of the extended *.csv file format for bulk import of group mappings:
  • Custom attribute values are only valid for automatic group mappings when given a single device type. If column 3 contains multiple device types, then columns 10 and 11 are invalid.
  • The number of names must match the number of values provided. For example, if 3 custom attribute names are listed "CA1,CA2,CA3" in column 10, then column 11 must contain 3 correctly formatted custom attribute values.
  • Only Integer, Float, String, Boolean and Datetime custom attributes can be used in Automatic Group Mappings. Geolocation custom attributes are currently not supported.
  • A custom attribute with the given name must already exist in the active instance of SOTI Connect.
  • All custom attributes must be defined for the single device type provided in column 3.
  • For more information on valid custom attribute value formats, see Bulk Import of Custom Attributes.