Use the Broker CLI Commands

Once you have installed the CLI, you can use the following PowerShell commands:

Command Description Parameters

Initiates a step-by-step installation procedure for SOTI Cloud Link Broker.

Once the broker has been installed, you can use it to set up SOTI Cloud Link Agent for use with SOTI MobiControl. For procedure, see Set Up Outbound SOTI Cloud Link Agent for SOTI Identity.

Installpath - optional; by default, the broker is installed at C:\Program Files\SOTI.

The procedure asks for:

  1. Broker Host - the broker hostname (FQDN of the server where the Broker will be installed)
  2. MobiControl:
  3. SQL Server connection string as per Microsoft specification and syntax; for example "Server=hostname\instance_of_sql;Database=database_name;User Id=username;Password=password;"
  4. TLS certificate subject name - the certificate must be SHA-2, version 3, and currently valid (with the expiry date in the future)
    Note: For internal PKI, a complete certificate chain of trust must be installed on the SOTI Cloud Link Agent host.

Removes the Cloud Link Broker files from the installation directory and deletes the Cloud Link Broker record from the SOTI MobiControl database.

Note: All SOTI Cloud Link Agent connections that had been created after the broker installation must be deleted from the SOTI MobiControl console to enable the broker removal.
Installpath - optional; by default, the command attempts to remove the broker files from C:\Program Files\SOTI.
Test-CloudLinkBrokerConfiguration Tests the Cloud Link Broker health; outputs errors, if any. Installpath - the path of the broker installation.