Script Commands for Android Enterprise: Devices with Work Profiles

Use the options and examples below to create powerful script commands.

Note: Not all script commands are compatible with all devices within a platform. The table entries note limitations.
Tip: You can also use JavaScript to create and send scripts to your Android Plus devices. See Android Plus JavaScript Scripts for details.


Format Meaning
text Enter the command exactly as shown.
text Replace with the requested information.
[text] Square brackets indicate optional information for the command.
text|text Choose one of the options separated by the vertical pipe.


Command Syntax

Enables or disables the administrator mode on a device in lockdown mode.

_adminmode on|off

Prevents the device user from uninstalling an application installed by a package.

afw_prevent_uninstall bundleID enable|disable

Where bundleID is the bundle id of the application you want to prevent from uninstalling.

Example To prevent the device user from uninstalling the Google Photos app:

afw_prevent_uninstall enable 

Grants specified permissions to specified applications. You cannot grant special permissions to third-party applications, such as Draw Over or Usage Access.

For a full list of all the permissions available and the API level they are implement in, see the Manifest.permission documentation from Google.

afw_set_permission_grant_state packageName disable|enable

Sets the default response for future runtime permission requests by the SOTI MobiControl Device Agent.

afw_set_permission_policy prompt|grant|deny|clear


  • prompt prompts the device user for all permissions
  • grant automatically grants all permissions that an application requires
  • deny automatically denies all permissions that an application requires
  • clear resets the policy to the SOTI MobiControl Device Agent defined default state

Specifies a preferred keyboard for use.

Minimum SOTI MobiControl Device Agent version: 15.1.5

Android OS: OS 5 and later

Note: Setting the keyboard via this script does not prevent the user from changing the keyboard later.
afw_set_preferred_keyboard <pkg_name>

Where <pkg_name> is the font package containing the keyboard.


afw_set_preferred_keyboard com.fontskeyboard.fonts

Enables or disables the Android Enterprise work profile.

afw_work_profile enable|disable

Retrieves the current SOTI MobiControl Device Agent mode (user or administrator) of a device with lockdown mode applied and displays it in the Logs section of the Device Information panel.

app_upgrade disable <package-list>

Enables administrators to remotely disable automatic updates of the Android Enterprise SOTI MobiControl Device Agent to the latest versions on Android devices through SOTI MobiControl, regardless of the update source.

Minimum SOTI MobiControl Device Agent version: 15.1.5

Android OS:

Samsung: API Level 11 and MDM v 5.0+ and later

Zebra: API Level 26 and MXMF v10.3 and later

OEMs supported: Samsung and Zebra

app_upgrade disable <package-list>


app_upgrade disable com.businessapp
app_upgrade enable <package-list>

Enables the administrator to remotely enable automatic Android Enterprise SOTI MobiControl Device Agent updates to the latest versions from the Google Play Store on Android devices through SOTI MobiControl.

Minimum SOTI MobiControl Device Agent version: 15.1.5

Android OS:

Samsung: API Level 11 and MDM v 5.0+ and later

Zebra: API Level 26 and MXMF v10.3 and later

OEMs supported: Samsung and Zebra

app_upgrade enable <package-list>


app_upgrade disable com.businessapp
Note: You can skip <package-list> for Samsung devices.

Deletes a certificate on the device.

Note: You can only use certdelete to remove certificates installed by SOTI MobiControl unless the device has a Samsung ELM agent installed. In this case, certdelete removes any specified certificates.
certdelete -issuer "IssuerName" -sn "SerialNumber" -storage "storage"


  • IssuerName is the common name of the certificate issuer
  • SerialNumber is the serial number of the certificate
  • storage specifies the type of storage into which the certificate gets imported

Example To delete a certificate issued by

certdelete -issuer "*" -sn 00A03DB42A7841AFF5
Clears the cache memory of the specified application. This script supports Android Classic and Work Managed devices.
  • This script only supports Android Work Managed devices that SOTI MDM plugins support. Visit the SOTI Pulse Device Agent Downloads page to see supported MDM plugins.
  • Samsung devices do not support this script.

Requires Android Device Agent version 15.3.3 or later.

clearappcache packageName

Example To clear the cache memory of the Business App application:

clearappcache com.businessapp

Prompts the SOTI MobiControl Device Agent to try to connect to the deployment server.

connect [-f]

Where -f forces the SOTI MobiControl Device Agent to connect regardless of configuration or setup settings.

Example To connect to the deployment server regardless of configuration or setup settings"

connect -f

Renames a device.

devrename newDeviceName

Use quotation marks if the name includes spaces.

Example To change the name of a device to Apricot Candy:

devrename "Apricot Candy"

Disconnects the device from the SOTI MobiControl deployment server.


Copies a file or directory from a File Transfer Protocol (FTP) server to a device.

ftp [wget] [-o,-r] source destination


  • wget copies a file from an FTP server to a local storage or SD card on the device
  • -o specifies to override existing files
  • -r specifies to read all files under each folder recursively

Example To copy a file from FTP to local storage on the device:

ftp wget -o -r ftp://user:123@server/folder /storage/emulated/0/Download

Downloads files using the HTTP protocol.

httpget URL localPath

Identifies the current top activity on the device.


Installs an application on the device.

install appInstallerPath

Where appInstallerPath is the full path to the application installer file on the device

Example To install the Gmail app located on an SD card:

install /sdcard/Download/Gmail.apk

Turns the device screen off and locks the device until the device user enters the correct password.


Sends a custom message to the SOTI MobiControl deployment server from the device. This message appears in the Logs tab of the Device Information panel in the SOTI MobiControl console.

log type message

Where type is the type of the associated message, and the options are:

  • -e for Error
  • -w for Warning
  • -i for Information

Example To send a notification to the SOTI MobiControl console at certain intervals during a software push:

log -i "Starting Software Push"
Note: Put the command in the pre-install script.

Lists all the activities of an application package.

read_activities packageName
request_appops_permission android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW allow <Package_ID>
Important: Install the device agent's plugin if applicable before using this script. Visit the SOTI Pulse Device Agent Downloads page to check whether your device requires a plugin.
Note: This command is only available for Android Enterprise Work Managed, Android Classic, and in the external agent (that is, COPE Work Managed).
insideagent request_appops_permission android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW allow <Package_ID>
Note: This command is supported in the internal agent (that is, COPE Work Profile).

Enables any third-party application (this applies to the SOTI MobiControl Device Agent as well) to silently display over other applications across all Android devices.

Minimum SOTI MobiControl Device Agent: 15.1.5

Plugin Versions: (recommended for silent granting)

Devices supported: Android Enterprise with plugins (DO, COPE) and Android Classic devices

Android OS: 6 and later

OEMs Supported: Samsung, Zebra, Google, Honeywell (This feature is not OEM specific)

request_appops_permission android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW allow <Package_ID>

insideagent request_appops_permission android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW allow <Package_ID>


request_appops_permission android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW allow com.businessapp


insideagent request_appops_permission android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW allow com.businessapp
request_appops_permission android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW disallow <Package_ID>
Important: Install the device agent's plugin if applicable before using this script. Visit the SOTI Pulse Device Agent Downloads page to check whether your device requires a plugin.
Note: This command is for Android Enterprise Work Managed, Android Classic, and in external Agent (that is, COPE Work Managed).
insideagent request_appops_permission android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW disallow <Package_ID>
Note: SOTI MobiControl supports this command in internal agent (that is, COPE Work Profile).

Disables the ability of any third-party application (this applies to the SOTI MobiControl Device Agent as well) to silently display over other applications across all Android devices.

Minimum SOTI MobiControl Device Agent: 15.1.5

Plugin Versions: (recommended for silent granting)

Devices supported: Android Enterprise with plugins (DO, COPE) and Android Classic devices

Android OS: 6 and later

OEMs Supported: Samsung, Zebra, Google, Honeywell (This feature is not OEM specific)

request_appops_permission android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW disallow <Package_ID>

insideagent request_appops_permission android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW disallow <Package_ID>


request_appops_permission android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW disallow com.businessapp
insideagent request_appops_permission android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW disallow com.businessapp

Sends a request to the device prompting the user to grant the specified permissions.

Important: Install the device agent's plugin if applicable before using this script. Visit the SOTI Pulse Device Agent Downloads page to check whether your device requires a plugin.
request_appops_permission permissionName where the permissionName can be one of the following:
  • SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW requests the Draw Over permission. Requires an Android Classic or Enterprise SOTI MobiControl Device Agent of 13.5.2 or later
  • PACKAGE_USAGE_STATS requests the Usage Access permission. Requires an Android Classic or Enterprise SOTI MobiControl Device Agent of 13.6.1 or later
  • BIND_NOTIFICATION_LISTENER_SERVICE requests the Notification Access permission. Requires an Android Classic or Enterprise SOTI MobiControl Agent of 13.6.1 or later.
  • WRITE_SETTINGS requests the Modify System Settings permission. Requires an Android Classic or Enterprise SOTI MobiControl Agent of 13.7.0 or later

Where possible, this command grants permissions without any notifications.


Performs a soft or hard reset of the device.

reset [/s | /H | /W | /E] [/delaysec]


  • /s is the default option, and soft resets the device. This option terminates any desktop remote control session
  • /H can hard reset a device running on the Windows Pocket PC or Windows CE platforms. It clears any data stored in the volatile memory. On Windows Mobile 5.0 and later devices, this is the same as a soft reset. The real-time clock may also reset depending on the device's make and model
  • /W can wipe data stored on the device and reset the device to factory default settings
    Note: Windows Mobile 5 operating systems with AKU2 or later and newer Windows Mobile versions support the wipe command.
  • /E can wipe data stored on the device and its external storage and reset the device to factory default settings
  • /P can bypass factory reset protection and is only supported on Android Enterprise Work Managed devices

On Android Plus devices, it is possible to specify a /delay parameter (in seconds): reset /s /delay 10

If /delay parameter is not defined, the default value is 5 seconds.

Example To soft reset a device:

reset /s

Example To reset an Android Plus device to its factory settings in 30 seconds:

reset /E /delay 30

Resets the remote control detection attempt counter.


Clears proxy configuration settings for the specified SSID (which should exist on the device before sending the command).

Note: Supported on devices running Android 4.0 or later.
resetwifiproxy ssid

Example To reset a proxy configuration for SSID 105:

resetwifiproxy 105

Sends a debug report from the SOTI Surf Device Agent to the SOTI FTP server.


Sets Wi-Fi proxy settings using a provided Proxy Auto-Configuration (PAC) file. Make sure that the access point ID exists on the device before sending this command.

Note: Supported on devices running Android 4.0.
setwifipacurl ssid PACfileURL

Example To set up a Wi-Fi proxy using a PAC file:

setwifipacurl 105

Sets Wi-Fi proxy settings using a provided host and port for the specified SSID. Make sure that the access point ID exists on the device before sending this command.

Note: Supported on devices running Android 4.0.
setwifiproxy ssid host port

Example To set up a Wi-Fi proxy:

setwifiproxy 105 8080

Displays a message box on the device screen.

Note: The Android Plus SOTI MobiControlDevice Agent has the following limitations:
  • It does not support a complex showmessagebox that has more than one command
  • It cannot return the user response
  • It does not support "if" and related keywords
showmessagebox message [timer] [type] [default button] [action]


  • message is the message displayed in the message box. Use quotation marks (" ") if there are spaces in the message.
  • [timer] is the number of seconds until the message box disappears automatically. If you omit a timer value or add the keyword NO_TIMER, the message box persists until the device user dismisses it.
  • [type] is the type of message box. Options are:
    • 1 displays an information window with an OK button
    • 2 displays a question window with Yes and No buttons
    • 3 displays a warning window with an OK button
    • 4 displays a question window with OK and Cancel buttons
    • 5 displays an error window with an OK button
  • [default button] sets the default buttons for message box types 2 (YES | NO) or 4 (OK | CANCEL)
  • NOTIFY_DEVICE notifies the device user of the message, depending on the notification settings applied to the device. You can set devices to ring, vibrate, or muted to have no notification. Only Android Plus devices with SOTI MobiControl Device Agents 14.0.0 or later supports this command.

A global variable stores the return values for the showmessagebox. ShowMessageBoxReturn use this variable in scripts as %ShowMessageBoxReturn% to execute actions based on user response. Possible return values are IDYES, IDNO, IDOK, IDCANCEL. The value for this global variable does not change if the type is not 2 or 4.


Example To show a simple message:

showmessagebox "This is a test message"

Example To enter device information using a macro:

showmessagebox "Your device's IP address is %IP%"

Example To set a 3-second timer to your message:

showmessagebox "This is a test message with a 3-second timer" 3 

Example To add YES and NO buttons to your message box with no timer:

showmessagebox "This is a test message with Yes/No button and no timer" NO_TIMER 2

Example To enter follow-up actions to a user's response to a message box:

showmessagebox "Abort the operation?" NO_TIMER 2 YES
if %ShowMessageBoxReturn% == IDYES goto Exit

Initiates sleep mode on the device for a set period. Only use this command in scripts.

sleep [length]

Where length is in seconds.

Example To set the device to sleep for 5 seconds:

sleep 5

Initiates sleep mode on the device for a set period. Only use this command in scripts.

sleep [length]

Where length is in milliseconds.

Example To set the device to sleep for 3.5 seconds:

sleep 3500

Removes the specified program from the device.

uninstall program [force]


  • program is the program ID for the program you want to uninstall
  • force forces uninstallation of the program, even if it is a system application

Example To remove the program Google Maps:


Unlocks the device and dismisses the password lock screen.


Enables or disables a Wi-Fi mobile access point.

Note: Supported on devices running Android 4.0 to 8.0.
wifiapenable 0|1

Where 0 disables Wi-Fi and 1 enables Wi-Fi

Example To disable Wi-Fi:

wifiapenable 0

Saves or deletes specified settings on a device.

See The writeprivateprofstring and writesecuresetting Commands for more information.