Script Commands for Android Classic Devices

Use the options and examples below to create powerful script commands.

Note: Not all script commands are compatible with all devices within a platform. The table entries note limitations.
Tip: You can also use JavaScript to create and send scripts to your Android Plus devices. See Android Plus JavaScript Scripts for details.


Format Meaning
text Enter the command exactly as shown.
text Replace with the requested information.
[text] Square brackets indicate optional information for the command.
text|text Choose one of the options separated by the vertical pipe.


Command Syntax

Halts the installation of a package and forces the installation status in the SOTI MobiControl console to report "Failed" when used in a SOTI MobiControl pre-install script.

See Using Package Studio for more information.


Retrieves the current SOTI MobiControl Device Agent mode (user or administrator) of a device with lockdown mode applied and displays it in the Logs section of the Device Information panel.


Applies blacklist rules. This command supports a limited set of parameters.

appcontrol [-s|-b|-w] containerID


  • -s clears application run control rules
  • -b adds an application to the blacklist
  • -w adds an application to the whitelist
  • containerID is the application ID

Example To add the Facebook app to the blacklist:

appcontrol -b com.facebook.appmanager
app_upgrade disable <package-list>

Enables administrators to remotely disable automatic updates of the Android Enterprise SOTI MobiControl Device Agent to the latest versions on Android devices through SOTI MobiControl, regardless of the update source.

Minimum SOTI MobiControl Device Agent version: 15.1.5

Android OS:

Samsung: API Level 11 and MDM v 5.0+ and later

Zebra: API Level 26 and MXMF v10.3 and later

OEMs supported: Samsung and Zebra

app_upgrade disable <package-list>


app_upgrade disable com.businessapp
app_upgrade enable <package-list>

Enables the administrator to remotely enable automatic Android Enterprise SOTI MobiControl Device Agent updates to the latest versions from the Google Play Store on Android devices through SOTI MobiControl.

Minimum SOTI MobiControl Device Agent version: 15.1.5

Android OS:

Samsung: API Level 11 and MDM v 5.0+ and later

Zebra: API Level 26 and MXMF v10.3 and later

OEMs supported: Samsung and Zebra

app_upgrade enable <package-list>


app_upgrade disable com.businessapp
Note: You can skip <package-list> for Samsung devices.

Specifies if an application should adhere to the battery optimization restrictions.

Note: Supported on Samsung Android devices with Samsung MDM 5.7 or later. Enrolled with a 13.6 Samsung ELM agent or a 13.6 Android Enterprise with a Samsung ELM license-enabled agent.
batteryoptimize allow | disable package

Example To add an application to the Battery Optimization whitelist (the app ignores battery optimization restrictions):

batteryoptimize disable

Example To remove an application from the Battery Optimization whitelist (the app follows battery optimization restrictions):

batteryoptimize allow

Deletes a certificate on the device.

Note: You can only use certdelete to remove certificates installed by SOTI MobiControl unless the device has a Samsung ELM agent installed. In this case, certdelete removes any specified certificates.
certdelete -issuer "IssuerName" -sn "SerialNumber" -storage "storage"


  • IssuerName is the common name of the certificate issuer
  • SerialNumber is the serial number of the certificate
  • storage specifies the type of storage into which the certificate gets imported

Example To delete a certificate issued by

certdelete -issuer "*" -sn 00A03DB42A7841AFF5

Imports a user-specified certificate of X.509 type, which could be either DER or Base64 encoded.

certimport -cert "filepath" -ctype certificate_type -pwd "password" -itype "install_type" -storage "storage_type"


  • filepath is the relative or absolute path of the certificate (.cer) file to import
  • certificate_type is either CERT or PKCS12
  • -pwd "password" -itype "install_type" -storage "storage_type" are optional arguments and you do not need to include them in the script
  • "password" is a string with the pfx password
  • "install_type" is either silent (default) or ui
  • storage specifies the storage location into which the certificate gets imported. MY, the only supported alternative option, installs the certificate in a keystore only usable from SOTI MobiControl. It is recommend you omit the -storage argument.

Example To import a certificate test.cer into current user storage:

certimport -cert "test.cer" -ctype CERT
Clears the cache memory of the specified application. This script supports Android Classic and Work Managed devices.
  • This script only supports Android Work Managed devices that SOTI MDM plugins support. Visit the SOTI Pulse Device Agent Downloads page to see supported MDM plugins.
  • Samsung devices do not support this script.

Requires Android Device Agent version 15.3.3 or later.

clearappcache packageName

Example To clear the cache memory of the Business App application:

clearappcache com.businessapp

Prompts the SOTI MobiControl Device Agent to try to connect to the deployment server.

connect [-f]

Where -f forces the SOTI MobiControl Device Agent to connect regardless of configuration or setup settings.

Example To connect to the deployment server regardless of configuration or setup settings"

connect -f

Copies one or more files to another location.

On Windows Mobile/CE and Desktop Classic devices, you can copy files between desktop computers and mobile devices.

On Android devices, you can only copy files locally.

copy source destination

Example To copy all files with the extension .txt from the C:\ to the temp directory on the device:

C:\temp\*.txt 1:\temp

Deletes one or more files.

del filename

Example To delete example.txt in the current directory:

del example.txt

Example To delete all files with the extension .tmp in the current directory and its subfolders:

del *.tmp

Renames a device.

devrename newDeviceName

Use quotation marks if the name includes spaces.

Example To change the name of a device to Apricot Candy:

devrename "Apricot Candy"

Disconnects the device from the SOTI MobiControl deployment server.


Adds or removes the Samsung ELM agent to/from the Android Doze Mode whitelist. Enables the agent to circumvent battery optimizations that limit connectivity between the agent and the deployment server.

Available on Samsung devices running Android 6.0 or later and Knox Standard SDK 5.7 or later.

elm_awaken 0|1

Example To add the ELM agent to the whitelist:

elm_awaken 1

Example To remove the ELM agent from the whitelist:

elm_awaken 0

Enables a system application on the device for use in the Android Enterprise container.

Note: This command is only for applications included in the device’s firmware.
enable_system_app appBundleID

Example To add Google Chrome to the Android Enterprise container:


Terminates the current script without processing the remainder of the package and reports the package installation as successful to the deployment server. This is particularly useful for packages involving a cold boot or device wipe, as it prevents unnecessary re-installation.

If the post-install script triggers a hard reset, the package reinstalls after the reset. To prevent this, add a check in the pre-install script to determine if the package’s files are already installed.

Note: This command is not useful as a script command in and of itself but is useful in the event of a package involving a cold boot.
"path\to\package "finishpkg


"1:\PersistentStorage\subfolder" finishpkg

For platforms that support the if command, you can use finishpkg conditionally:

Example If a package's post-install script contains:

md "1:\PersistentStorage\subfolder"reset /w

then the pre-install script could contain a check to prevent the package from reinstalling endlessly:

if exist "1:\PersistentStorage\subfolder" finishpkg

Switches the SOTI MobiControl service between foreground and background modes. While running in foreground mode, the SOTI MobiControl process receives high priority and is not killed by the system.

While the service runs in foreground mode, a SOTI MobiControl icon displays in the device's notification area.

foregroundmode enable|disable

Example To enable foregroundmode:

foreground enable

Copies a file or directory from a File Transfer Protocol (FTP) server to a device.

ftp [wget] [-o,-r] source destination


  • wget copies a file from an FTP server to a local storage or SD card on the device
  • -o specifies to override existing files
  • -r specifies to read all files under each folder recursively

Example To copy a file from FTP to local storage on the device:

ftp wget -o -r ftp://user:123@server/folder /storage/emulated/0/Download

Downloads files using the HTTP protocol.

httpget URL localPath

Identifies the current top activity on the device.


Identifies the signature of a package and displays it in the device ADB logs.

identify_package_certificate packageName



Displays the configuration of the network interfaces on the SOTI MobiControl console.

ifconfig interfaceName

If you do not provide a interfaceName, then the command uses allas the default and lists all interfaces.

Use -i with all to display the interface names only.

Example To list all interface names:

ifconfig all -i

Example To show the configuration of eth0 interface:

ifconfig eth0

This feature enables the administrator to add Collation/Unicode in import_contacts_vcf scripts so that it maintains the proper character format of the .vcf file when you import it.

Minimum SOTI MobiControl Device Agent: 15.2.4

Limitations/Constraints/Pre-requisites: This is a generic implementation. There is no OS or OEM limitation.

import_contacts_vcf <filePath> 1/0 <charsetName>


  • 0 = add contacts to existing contacts
  • 1 = replace existing contacts with the new contacts of the .vcf file
  • charsetName = Character encoding in the .vcf file


import_contacts_vcf "/storage/contacts.vcf" 1 UTF-8

Installs an application on the device.

install appInstallerPath

Where appInstallerPath is the full path to the application installer file on the device

Example To install the Gmail app located on an SD card:

install /sdcard/Download/Gmail.apk
Installs a system update from the specified file. This command supports the following OEMs:
  • Getac
  • Pointmobile
  • Zebra
  • Chainway
Note: Do not use this command on encrypted devices. Use the sendintent command instead.
install_system_update filename

Example To install a system update from a file on an SD card:

install_system_update /sdcard/Download/
Note: If /sdcard/Download does not work, use /storage/sdcard0/Download instead. for example:
install_system_update /storage/sdcard0/Download/

Installs a SOTI MobiControl package built using Package Studio.

Note: This command is not recursive. It is only used through the console or an API call to install a prior side-loaded package. It is not intended for use within one package to install another package.
installpackage pathToPackage

Example To install a package from the %tmp% folder:

installpackage %tmp%package1.pcg now

Lists the IP addresses of the device.


Terminates an application that is currently running on the device.


  • Android Classic
  • Android Enterprise (SOTI MobiControl Device Agent 14.0.0)
kill_application packageName

Example To terminate the Angry Birds game process on the device:

kill_application com.rovio.angrybirds

Lists storage volume information of remote managed device. The results appear as a custom event on the console.


Turns the device screen off and locks the device until the device user enters the correct password.


Sets the orientation of the device screen while it is in lockdown or kiosk mode.

lockdownorientation orientation

Where orientation is either landscape or portrait

Note: Setting any parameter other than landscape or portrait causes the kiosk screen to default to landscape for Android Honeycomb (3.0) and later. It can also cause the kiosk screen to default to portrait for Android Gingerbread (2.3).

Example To set the orientation of the lockdown screen to landscape:

lockdownorientation landscape

Example To set the orientation of the lockdown screen to portrait:

lockdownorientation portrait

Sends a custom message to the SOTI MobiControl deployment server from the device. This message appears in the Logs tab of the Device Information panel in the SOTI MobiControl console.

log type message

Where type is the type of the associated message, and the options are:

  • -e for Error
  • -w for Warning
  • -i for Information

Example To send a notification to the SOTI MobiControl console at certain intervals during a software push:

log -i "Starting Software Push"
Note: Put the command in the pre-install script.

Initiates a Webroot scan for malware on the device.

mkdir or md

Creates a new directory.

mkdir [drive:] path

Example To create a directory named "test" from the current directory:

mkdir test

Example To create test\test1\test2\test3 recursively:

mkdir test \test1 \test2 \test3

Submits XML configuration instructions to the MX layer of the device.

Note: This script command is only applicable on Zebra Android devices. mxconfig uses the StageNow XML format (MXMS).
mxconfig xmlFilepath


mxconfig /sdcard/Download/test.xml

Executes an xml command from the inputPath and puts the result into the outputPath.

Note: This command is only supported on devices that support the older XML format (MX Legacy).
mxxmlconfig inputPath outputPath


  • inputPath is the path to an XML file containing configuration settings for MX XML API
  • outputPath is the path to a folder for the script execution result
notify kiosk

Enables or disables lockdown mode on the device.

notify kiosk on | off

Sends a script that notifies other SOTI applications about data synchronization. You can use this to inform lockdown applications that their view is in sync.

Added in v9 to support re-enrolling a device on another SOTI MobiControl system.

notify alias or notify package receiver

Where alias is a friendly name for the kiosk app.

Example To notify kiosk about data sync:

notify kiosk
notify net.soti.mobicontrol.lockdown

Prompts the user to change or set a password on their device by displaying a "Password Policy Pending" notification in the SOTI MobiControl Device Agent.


Inserts a comment line in a script/batch file.

rem [comment]

Example To add a comment about pumpkins:

rem The pumpkins are looking great this harvest

Removes Samsung-managed information for specified applications.

Note: This command is only available for Samsung devices.
removemanagedinfo packageName

Sends a request to the device prompting the user to grant the specified permissions.

Important: Install the device agent's plugin if applicable before using this script. Visit the SOTI Pulse Device Agent Downloads page to check whether your device requires a plugin.
request_appops_permission permissionName where the permissionName can be one of the following:
  • SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW requests the Draw Over permission. Requires an Android Classic or Enterprise SOTI MobiControl Device Agent of 13.5.2 or later
  • PACKAGE_USAGE_STATS requests the Usage Access permission. Requires an Android Classic or Enterprise SOTI MobiControl Device Agent of 13.6.1 or later
  • BIND_NOTIFICATION_LISTENER_SERVICE requests the Notification Access permission. Requires an Android Classic or Enterprise SOTI MobiControl Agent of 13.6.1 or later.
  • WRITE_SETTINGS requests the Modify System Settings permission. Requires an Android Classic or Enterprise SOTI MobiControl Agent of 13.7.0 or later

Where possible, this command grants permissions without any notifications.

request_appops_permission android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW allow <Package_ID>
Important: Install the device agent's plugin if applicable before using this script. Visit the SOTI Pulse Device Agent Downloads page to check whether your device requires a plugin.
Note: This command is only available for Android Enterprise Work Managed, Android Classic, and in the external agent (that is, COPE Work Managed).
insideagent request_appops_permission android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW allow <Package_ID>
Note: This command is supported in the internal agent (that is, COPE Work Profile).

Enables any third-party application (this applies to the SOTI MobiControl Device Agent as well) to silently display over other applications across all Android devices.

Minimum SOTI MobiControl Device Agent: 15.1.5

Plugin Versions: (recommended for silent granting)

Devices supported: Android Enterprise with plugins (DO, COPE) and Android Classic devices

Android OS: 6 and later

OEMs Supported: Samsung, Zebra, Google, Honeywell (This feature is not OEM specific)

request_appops_permission android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW allow <Package_ID>

insideagent request_appops_permission android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW allow <Package_ID>


request_appops_permission android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW allow com.businessapp


insideagent request_appops_permission android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW allow com.businessapp
request_appops_permission android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW disallow <Package_ID>
Important: Install the device agent's plugin if applicable before using this script. Visit the SOTI Pulse Device Agent Downloads page to check whether your device requires a plugin.
Note: This command is for Android Enterprise Work Managed, Android Classic, and in external Agent (that is, COPE Work Managed).
insideagent request_appops_permission android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW disallow <Package_ID>
Note: SOTI MobiControl supports this command in internal agent (that is, COPE Work Profile).

Disables the ability of any third-party application (this applies to the SOTI MobiControl Device Agent as well) to silently display over other applications across all Android devices.

Minimum SOTI MobiControl Device Agent: 15.1.5

Plugin Versions: (recommended for silent granting)

Devices supported: Android Enterprise with plugins (DO, COPE) and Android Classic devices

Android OS: 6 and later

OEMs Supported: Samsung, Zebra, Google, Honeywell (This feature is not OEM specific)

request_appops_permission android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW disallow <Package_ID>

insideagent request_appops_permission android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW disallow <Package_ID>


request_appops_permission android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW disallow com.businessapp
insideagent request_appops_permission android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW disallow com.businessapp

Performs a soft or hard reset of the device.

reset [/s | /H | /W | /E] [/delaysec]


  • /s is the default option, and soft resets the device. This option terminates any desktop remote control session
  • /H can hard reset a device running on the Windows Pocket PC or Windows CE platforms. It clears any data stored in the volatile memory. On Windows Mobile 5.0 and later devices, this is the same as a soft reset. The real-time clock may also reset depending on the device's make and model
  • /W can wipe data stored on the device and reset the device to factory default settings
    Note: Windows Mobile 5 operating systems with AKU2 or later and newer Windows Mobile versions support the wipe command.
  • /E can wipe data stored on the device and its external storage and reset the device to factory default settings
  • /P can bypass factory reset protection and is only supported on Android Enterprise Work Managed devices

On Android Plus devices, it is possible to specify a /delay parameter (in seconds): reset /s /delay 10

If /delay parameter is not defined, the default value is 5 seconds.

Example To soft reset a device:

reset /s

Example To reset an Android Plus device to its factory settings in 30 seconds:

reset /E /delay 30

Resets device password to a new password.

resetpassword newPassword

Example To reset the current password to password12345:

resetpassword password12345

Clears proxy configuration settings for the specified SSID (which should exist on the device before sending the command).

Note: Supported on devices running Android 4.0 or later.
resetwifiproxy ssid

Example To reset a proxy configuration for SSID 105:

resetwifiproxy 105

Restarts the SOTI MobiControl Device Agent.


As of SOTI MobiControl Android Agent 14.3.1, the SOTI MobiControl Device Agent waits until it is idle before restarting (usually less than 10 seconds). Add --immediately to restart the SOTI MobiControl Device Agent the moment you receive the script. Earlier versions of the SOTI MobiControl Device Agent restart immediately.

rmdir or rd

Deletes a directory.

rmdir [/S] path

Where /S removes any subdirectories

This command requires the /S option on Android Plus and Linux devices and deletes the specified item, whether a directory or a file.

Example To remove an empty directory named "test" from the current directory:

rmdir test
Example To remove a directory named "test" and all of its contents from the current directory:
rmdir /S test

Example To remove a location:

rmdir /sdcard/Download/test
sendinfo net.soti.action.hub ENABLESCREENCAPTURE

Controls whether device users can take screen captures within the SOTI Hub app.

Note: If you disable screen capture, there may be a blank screen if you remote control a device and open a file in SOTI Hub.
sendinfo net.soti.action.hub ENABLESCREENCAPTURE 0 | 1


  • 0 blocks screen captures
  • 1 enables screen captures

Example To block a device user from taking screenshots within the SOTI Hub app:


Sets the zoom level in the SOTI Surf app.


Where value is a percentage that represents the level of zoom.

Example To set the zoom level of the SOTI Surf app to 400%:


Controls whether device users can use gestures (like pinch to zoom) to magnify web pages opened in the SOTI Surf app.



  • 0 enables zoom gestures
  • 1 disables zoom gestures

Example To disable zoom gestures in the SOTI Surf app:


Turns on or off media autoplay and controls SOTI Surf access to the device camera.


Where 0 turns on media autoplay, and 1 turns off media autoplay.

Example To turn on media autoplay and grant SOTI Surf access to the device camera:


Controls whether device users can swipe downwards on their screen to refresh the current webpage in the SOTI Surf app.



  • 0 enables pull to refresh
  • 1 disables pull to refresh

Example To disable the pull-to-refresh gesture in the SOTI Surf app:


Controls whether SOTI Surf blocks cookies from third-party domains (that is, domains beyond the site the user is visiting).



  • 0 blocks third-party cookies
  • 1 enables third-party cookies

Example To enable third-party cookies in the SOTI Surf app:


Sends intent to devices.

See The sendintent Command for more information.


Sends a debug report from the SOTI Surf Device Agent to the SOTI FTP server.


Sets proxy configuration on device level (iptables based).

Note: Supported on devices with Samsung MDM v2 and later only.
setfirewallproxy host port containerID


setfirewallproxy 8080

This feature enables the administrator to suppress or change the SOTI Agent logo while in kiosk mode.

Minimum SOTI MobiControl Device Agent: 15.2.4, same as lockdown

Plugin Versions: Not required

Devices supported: Android Classic and Android Enterprise DO

Android OS: same as lockdown

set_configurable_kiosk_splash <0,1> <file path>

set_configurable_kiosk_splash <0,1>


  • 0 = Display SOTI MobiControl logo
  • 1 = Disable SOTI MobiControl logo and show nothing
  • file path = the file path to fetch the desired logo


set_configurable_kiosk_splash 1
set_configurable_kiosk_splash 1 /storage/ image.png
Note: The system returns an error if you do not supply an argument.

Sets the device's default locale.

Note: Supported on Motorola Android Plus devices with a signed agent only.
setlocale locale

Enables or disables mobile data on a device.

Note: These settings may conflict with device feature control, and settings are non-restrictive and non-persistent.
setmobiledata 0|1

Where 0 disables mobile data and 1 enables mobile data.

Example To disable mobile data:

setmobiledata 0

Example To enable mobile data:

setmobiledata 1

Enables or disables Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, or cellular networks for the device. If you disable the phone radio, no audio and data telephony functionalities can occur. A phone reboot typically re-enables the radio.

Note: These settings may conflict with device feature control, and settings are non-restrictive and non-persistent.
setradioenable wifi|bt|phone 0|1


  • wifi is Wi-Fi
  • bt is Bluetooth
  • phone is Cellular
  • 0 disables the radio
  • 1 enables the radio

Example To disable Bluetooth radio:

setradioenable bt 0

Example To enable Wi-Fi:

setradioenable wifi 1

Sets Wi-Fi proxy settings using a provided host and port for the specified SSID. Make sure that the access point ID exists on the device before sending this command.

Note: Supported on devices running Android 4.0.
setwifiproxy ssid host port

Example To set up a Wi-Fi proxy:

setwifiproxy 105 8080

Sets Wi-Fi proxy settings using a provided Proxy Auto-Configuration (PAC) file. Make sure that the access point ID exists on the device before sending this command.

Note: Supported on devices running Android 4.0.
setwifipacurl ssid PACfileURL

Example To set up a Wi-Fi proxy using a PAC file:

setwifipacurl 105

Displays a message box on the device screen.

Note: The Android Plus SOTI MobiControlDevice Agent has the following limitations:
  • It does not support a complex showmessagebox that has more than one command
  • It cannot return the user response
  • It does not support "if" and related keywords
showmessagebox message [timer] [type] [default button] [action]


  • message is the message displayed in the message box. Use quotation marks (" ") if there are spaces in the message.
  • [timer] is the number of seconds until the message box disappears automatically. If you omit a timer value or add the keyword NO_TIMER, the message box persists until the device user dismisses it.
  • [type] is the type of message box. Options are:
    • 1 displays an information window with an OK button
    • 2 displays a question window with Yes and No buttons
    • 3 displays a warning window with an OK button
    • 4 displays a question window with OK and Cancel buttons
    • 5 displays an error window with an OK button
  • [default button] sets the default buttons for message box types 2 (YES | NO) or 4 (OK | CANCEL)
  • NOTIFY_DEVICE notifies the device user of the message, depending on the notification settings applied to the device. You can set devices to ring, vibrate, or muted to have no notification. Only Android Plus devices with SOTI MobiControl Device Agents 14.0.0 or later supports this command.

A global variable stores the return values for the showmessagebox. ShowMessageBoxReturn use this variable in scripts as %ShowMessageBoxReturn% to execute actions based on user response. Possible return values are IDYES, IDNO, IDOK, IDCANCEL. The value for this global variable does not change if the type is not 2 or 4.


Example To show a simple message:

showmessagebox "This is a test message"

Example To enter device information using a macro:

showmessagebox "Your device's IP address is %IP%"

Example To set a 3-second timer to your message:

showmessagebox "This is a test message with a 3-second timer" 3 

Example To add YES and NO buttons to your message box with no timer:

showmessagebox "This is a test message with Yes/No button and no timer" NO_TIMER 2

Example To enter follow-up actions to a user's response to a message box:

showmessagebox "Abort the operation?" NO_TIMER 2 YES
if %ShowMessageBoxReturn% == IDYES goto Exit

Initiates sleep mode on the device for a set period. Only use this command in scripts.

sleep [length]

Where length is in seconds.

Example To set the device to sleep for 5 seconds:

sleep 5

Initiates sleep mode on the device for a set period. Only use this command in scripts.

sleep [length]

Where length is in milliseconds.

Example To set the device to sleep for 3.5 seconds:

sleep 3500

Starts a program on the device. When you specify the /wait option , the script processor waits for the initiated program to terminate before executing the next command in the script.

start [/wait] program
Note: On Windows devices, you must enclose program in quotation marks.

Example To start Pocket Word and wait until it is terminated:

start /wait "\software\apps\pword.exe"

Turns off the device.

turnoff [delay]

Where delay is a time in seconds.

Example To turn off the device:


Example To turn off the device in 25 seconds:

turnoff 25

Removes the specified program from the device.

uninstall program [force]


  • program is the program ID for the program you want to uninstall
  • force forces uninstallation of the program, even if it is a system application

Example To remove the program Google Maps:


Removes the Device Agent from the device and clears any previously applied policies. This process can take up to 30 seconds.

Note: This command cannot uninstall a Samsung ELM Agent due to permission limitations. Additionally, some feature modules do not handle wipe/rollback correctly and can hamper a clean uninstall.

Unlocks the device and dismisses the password lock screen.


Prompts Webroot to update its malware definitions.


Enables or disables a Wi-Fi mobile access point.

Note: Supported on devices running Android 4.0 to 8.0.
wifiapenable 0|1

Where 0 disables Wi-Fi and 1 enables Wi-Fi

Example To disable Wi-Fi:

wifiapenable 0

Forces the device to drop a Wi-Fi connection and reconnect.

Note: Supported on devices running Android 4.0 or later with Android Plus capabilities.

Wipes application data for the specified application from the device.

Note: To wipe contact data on a Samsung device, you can clear the data of the contacts and related apps using the wipeapplication bundle_id command.

Requires Android OS version 11 and above.

wipeapplication packageName
Note: For Samsung Android 11+ devices:

Example Wipe Contacts app data:


Example Wipe Contacts Provider data:


Example Wipe Easy Mode Contacts Widget data:


Saves or deletes specified settings on a device.

See The writeprivateprofstring and writesecuresetting Commands for more information.

This command has the same functionality as writeprivateprofstring except, the written data is not logged.

See The writeprivateprofstring and writesecuresetting Commands for more information.