Adding Certificates

Before you begin

While performing the initial setup, consider contacting the SOTI Professional Services team for guidance.

To renew the initially issued certificates that are about to expire, follow this procedure: Issuing Enrollment and User Certificates.

About this task

To add a dynamic certificate to SOTI MobiControl:


  1. Select Global Settings from the main menu.
  2. From the Settings tree on the left, select Services > Certificate Authority to open the Certificate Authority page (see Certificate Authority Page).
  3. In the Certificate Authorities section, click the + icon to open the Certificate Authority dialog box (see Certificate Authority).
  4. Fill out the common fields with the appropriate values.
    Name Enter a name for your certificate authority.
    Certificate Type Select a certificate type:
    • ADCS
    • Entrust
    • EJCBA
    • Generic SCEP
    • Symantec
    • ACME
    The layout of the dialog box changes according to the certificate type you select.
    Certificate Templates This section lists the existing certificate templates. Select the + icon to expand the Certificate Templates section (see Certificate Templates / Template Details).
  5. Once the dialog box layout changes according to the selected certificate type, fill out the type-specific fields.
  6. Click Save.


What to do next

Use a certificates profile to distribute the certificate to your devices.