Use the SOTI VPN profile configuration to configure the settings for the SOTI VPN client application. For more information about SOTI VPN, see Using SOTI VPN.

Important: Requires iOS 15 or later.

You do this when:

VPN Name Enter a name to identify this VPN account.
Address Enter the external IP address or Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) used by the VPN client application to connect to the selected VPN server.
Port Enter the port number for VPN connections.
Note: The default is 51820. The valid range is 1–65535.
Select a VPN Server Select a VPN server to connect. For details on creating a VPN server, see Using SOTI VPN.
DNS Server Address Enter the IP address of your DNS server to enable domain name resolution for internal network resources.
Note: If you have an internal DNS server, use its IP address. Otherwise, you can specify a public DNS provider such as Google ( or Cloudflare (
Internal Domains Specify domains to route through the VPN tunnel. If you do not specify any domains, the VPN routes all traffic unless a split-tunnel rule applies.
Note: Other domains use the device’s default DNS.
Split-tunnel VPN Turn on to enable split-tunnel VPN. Only network traffic directed to the specified IP ranges uses the VPN connection.
Note: Use CIDR notation. For example,
Tunneled Resources Specify the IP addresses that will use the split-tunnel VPN for communication.