Deployment Server Charts (Time Series)

Active Threads/Max Threads

This chart displays the number of Active Threads vs Max Threads (Optimum Threads) for a given Deployment server (DS). Active Threads are those threads that are currently processing messages in the DS Queue while Max threads (Optimum Threads) is the total number of threads that can be made available on this DS.

Queue Length

This chart displays the number of messages in the queue processed by the Deployment server. The total count in the queue is the sum of high, intermediate, and low priority messages.

File Sync Activity

This chart displays the number of devices that are receiving files through the file sync policy. For example, if you have 3 file sync policies that are executing simultaneously, and each rule is targeting a set of devices, then the plot shown on the chart would be a sum of all devices that are actively downloading files from the Deployment server. If rule A is targeting 10 devices, rule B is targeting 5 devices, and rule C is targeting 5 devices, then the chart would show that 20 devices are receiving files from the DS. Device-to-server file upload activity is not supported; only server-to-device file download is tracked.

Package Activity

This chart displays the number of devices that are receiving packages through a profile. If multiple packages are being deployed simultaneously to devices through one of many profiles, the plot shown on the chart would be a sum of all devices that are actively downloading packages from the Deployment server.

Device Connections

This chart displays the number of DS-initiated device disconnects, as well as the number of active device connections with the DS. It contains two plots for each DS, where the first plot shows how many devices were connected to the DS at a given time, and the second plot shows the number of device disconnects that occurred at a given time.

Device Check-In

This chart displays the number of devices that have checked in with the DS at any time in the past 48 hours.