Deployment Servers

Before you begin

  • You must have Manage System Health, View System Health and Configure Deployment Servers permissions to access the functionality described in this topic (see General Permissions).
  • You must have a production license with SOTI Premium Plus Service, SOTI Enterprise Plus Service or a trial license.

About this task

This task describes the activities an administrator can perform when accessing deployment servers through the System Overview panel in the SOTI MobiControl web console.


  1. From the SOTI MobiControl web console select Menu > System Health > System Overview.
  2. The System Overview screen displays the status of various SOTI MobiControl servers and system components. The Deployment Servers panel displays the deployment servers and their status. In this example, there is a single deployment server.
    Deployment server panel
  3. Hover over the Status icon to see the status of the server.
    Deployment server status
    The server status icon indicates:
    • Green for Started
    • Red for any of the following status (visible when hovering over the icon):
      • Unknown
      • Stopped
      • Disabled
      • Unlicensed
      • Deleted
      • Not Registered
      • Offline
  4. To view the deployment server details, select the deployment server Host Name in the Deployment Servers panel.
    Deployment server details1
    The deployment Server Details page displays information about the server.
  5. To view the deployment server logs, hover over the deployment server and select the Logs icon in the Deployment Servers panel.
    Deployment server logs1
    In the Logs tab, hover over any of the log entries to view the contents of the log.
    Deployment server logs2
    Note: This view of the logs is specific to the selected deployment server. When you have more than one deployment server, you can view the combined logs from all deployment servers by selecting View All Logs in the Deployment Servers panel.
    Deployment server all logs
  6. In the Logs tab, you can filter the logs using any combination of log type, date interval or search term.
    To filter by log type, select the Types field and choose the types of log files to filter.
    Deployment logs search type
    To filter by a date interval select the Date field then a start and end date.
    Deployment logs search date
    To filter by search term, enter a term in the search bar.
    Deployment logs search term
  7. You can delete the deployment server by selecting the Delete icon from either the Server Details or Logs tab. Deployment server delete
    Note: You cannot delete a deployment server if there is a single deployment server in the configuration and you cannot delete a deployment server with a status of Started.