Script Commands for macOS Devices

Use the options and examples below to create powerful script commands.

Note: Not all script commands are compatible with all devices within a platform. The table entries note limitations.
Note: Use the commands and scripts as supported for the macOS distribution on the device. For details, read Sending Scripts to Devices.


Format Meaning
text Enter the command exactly as shown.
text Replace with the requested information.
[text] Square brackets indicate optional information for the command.
text|text Choose one of the options separated by the vertical pipe.


Command Syntax

Changes the current directory.

cd [directory]


To change to the Chocolate directory:

cd Chocolate


Copies one or more files to another location.

On Windows Mobile/CE and Desktop Classic devices, you can copy files between desktop computers and mobile devices.

On Android devices, you can only copy files locally.

copy source destination


To copy all files with the extension .txt from the C:\ to the temp directory on the device:

C:\temp\*.txt 1:\temp


Deletes one or more files.

del filename


To delete example.txt in the current directory:

del example.txt

To delete all files with the extension .tmp in the current directory and its subfolders:

del *.tmp


Installs an application on the device.

install appInstallerPath

Where appInstallerPath is the full path to the application installation file on the device


To install the Team Viewer app whose installer is located on the desktop:

install "users/jsmith/Desktop/Team Viewer.pkg"


Terminates a process that is currently running on the device.

kill executable


To terminate the pword.exe process on the device:

kill pword.exe


Sends a custom message to the SOTI MobiControl deployment server from the device. This message appears in the Logs tab of the Device Information panel in the SOTI MobiControl console.

log type message

Where type is the type of the associated message, and the options are:

  • -e for Error
  • -w for Warning
  • -i for Information


To send a notification to the SOTI MobiControl console at certain intervals during a software push:

Note: Put the command in the pre-install script

log -i "Starting Software Push"

mkdir or md

Creates a new directory.

mkdir [drive:] path


To create a directory named "test" from the current directory:

mkdir test

To create test\test1\test2\test3 recursively:

mkdir test \test1 \test2 \test3


Moves a file from a specified source location to specified destination location.

Note: You can rename the file at the same time by specifying a name for the destination filename.
move [sourceFilePath] filename destinationFilePath [filename]


To move the file test.bat:

move test.bat 2:\

move test.bat 2:\test.bat

To move and rename a file at the same time:

move 1:\test.bat 2:\test2.cmd

To move a folder to the root folder:

move Mars /


Renames a file or folder.

rename sourceFilename destinationFilename


To rename the file test.txt to test.bak:

rename test.txt test.bak


Performs a soft or hard reset of the device.

reset [/S] [/delaymin]


  • /S soft resets the device. Any desktop remote control sessions are also terminated.
  • /delay specifies a delay (in minutes) before executing the reset. If delay is not set, reset occurs immediately.


To soft reset a device in 3 minutes:

reset /S 3

rmdir or rd

Deletes a directory.

rmdir [/S] path

Where /S removes any subdirectories

This command requires the /S option on Android Plus and Linux devices and deletes the specified item, whether a directory or a file.


To remove an empty directory named "test" from the current directory:

rmdir test

To remove a directory named "test" and all of its contents from the current directory:

rmdir /S test

To remove a location:

rmdir /sdcard/Download/test


Sets the date and time.

setdate date [time]

Where date is in the following format: mm-dd-yyy and time is in the following format: HH:MM:SS


To set the date and time of the device

setdate 08–20–2016 13:32:00


Launches the registered application for the given file extension.

shellexecute filepath -verb


  • -verb is the action you want the shell to execute


To launch the registered application for the given file extension:

shellexecute 1:\temp\temp.upg -open


Displays a message box on the device screen.

showmessagebox message [timer] [type] [NOTIFY_DEVICE]


  • message is the message displayed in the message box. Use quotation marks (" ") if there are spaces in the message.
  • timer is the number of seconds until the message box disappears automatically. If you omit a timer value or add the keyword NO_TIMER, the message box persists until the device user dismisses it.
  • type is type of message box. Options are:
    • 1 displays an information window with an OK button
    • 2 displays a question window with Yes and No buttons
    • 3 displays a warning window with an OK button
    • 4 displays a question window with OK and Cancel buttons
    • 5 displays an error window with an OK button


To show a simple message:

showmessagebox "This is a test message"

To enter device information using a macro:

showmessagebox "Your device's IP address is %IP%"

To set a 3-second timer to your message:

showmessagebox "This is a test message with a 3-second timer" 3

To add YES and NO buttons to your message box with no timer

showmessagebox "This is a test message with Yes/No button and no timer" NO_TIMER 2


Initiates sleep mode on the device for a set period. Only use this command in scripts.

sleep [length]

Where length is in seconds.


To set the device to sleep for 5 seconds:

sleep 5


Enables multi-line macOS scripts by informing the SOTI MobiControl Device Agent where a script starts.


Enables multi-line macOS scripts by informing the SOTI MobiControl Device Agent where a script ends.


Saves or deletes specified settings on a device.

See The writeprivateprofstring Command for more information.